GOWA (8 May 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs, through the "Pangurangi" Center in Takalar, responded to a case of the People Needing Social Welfare Services (PPKS), People with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) experience malnutrition and tuberculosis (TB). This condition is exacerbated by the poor economic conditions of PPKS. This report was submitted via contact center by Mrs. Lili, a cadre who cares for TB-HIV in the Somba Opu area, Gowa Regency.


Following the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, that all Centers belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs must immediately respond to cases or social problems found in the community, therefore the Social Counselor is led by the Head of the "Pangurangi" Takalar Center, Pengalamen Surbakti immediately goes down to conduct an assessment regarding the conditions and needs of the PPKS.


Qadriansyah, the social counselor at "Pangurangi" Takalar Center revealed that based on the results of the assessment, one of the PPKS with the initials "N" had not started antiretroviral therapy (ARV) which resulted in a drastic decline in his immune system making him susceptible to being attacked by Opportunistic Infections (OI) such as TB and chronic thrush. His physical condition "N" looks sluggish and very thin due to malnutrition and TB.


The “N” condition is also exacerbated by the mediocre economic conditions where “N” has not worked for a long time and currently has two dependents. “N” has also divorced her husband, making her more economically vulnerable because there are no other breadwinners in the family. So far, "N" has only relied on PKH assistance which she received to pay her rent of Rp. 300 thousand per month as well as minimal assistance from families and neighbors whose economic conditions are also lacking, "continued Qadri.


The assessment was continued again to explore “N” needs. It is known that with her current condition, "N" really needs the fulfillment of basic daily needs as well as an additional nutrition to ease the burden of expenses as well as to accelerate the recovery of her health condition. In addition, "N" also needs access to TB treatment and ARV therapy to reduce the amount of the virus so that the body's immune system can be strong again. “N” itself already has a Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS), but when it comes to accessing health services, it is often constrained by costs for transportation.

The results of the direct assessment are followed up with the provision of basic ingredients and additional nutrients in the form of 10 (ten) kilograms of rice, 4 (four) liters of cooking oil, 3 (three) kilograms of wheat flour, 3 (three) kilograms of granulated sugar, 1 (one) bottle of syrup, 1 (one) pack of sweet soy sauce, 1 (one) bottle of chili sauce, 10 (ten) cans of milk, 30 (thirty) eggs, ready-to-eat food in the form of 3 (three) cans of sardines, each 1 (one) ) can of rendang and corned beef, 1 (one) box of instant noodles and a package of fruits.

Concerning access to TB treatment and ARV therapy, "Pangurangi" Takalar Center directly coordinates with the Somba Opu Community Health Center to provide home services for TB treatment for “N” sufferers.

"We, from the Somba Opu Community Health Center, are grateful for the assistance provided by the Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Pangurangi" Takalar Center for TB-HIV patients in our area. Our service team will soon visit patient "N" to provide home TB treatment which is one of our mainstay services here, "said Abdul Haris, Head of the Somba Opu Community Health Center, Gowa.

Furthermore, for access to ARV therapy, "Pangurangi" Center directly coordinates with Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) assisting People with HIV / AIDS, namely the South Sulawesi Peer Support Group Care Foundation (YPKDS) through Iman, peer assistants in Gowa Regency to be able to provide assistance for "N "In accessing ARV therapy at the nearest service.

"Hopefully, with the help and coordination that we have established, it can help" N "recover quickly and be healthy so that she can be productive again. "Pangurangi" Center will continue to monitor the development of "N" to ensure the services needed can be accessed and assist independence after being healthy," concluded Pengalamen Surbakti, Head of "Pangurangi" Takalar Center to all parties involved in the response to this case.

With a short breath and a small cough, "N" thanked the "Pangurangi" Takalar Center, Somba Opu Community Health Center and peer assistants from YPKDS South Sulawesi. "I am very grateful for the assistance that has been given, I did not expect to get this kind of attention. Once again, thank you," said " N ".