WEST LOMBOK (12 May 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Paramita" Center in Mataram responded to the case of 3 (three) orphans living in the middle of the Batulayar forest.


The Head of the Center, I Ketut Supena, accompanied by Social and Public Relations Counselors and the West Nusa Tenggara Province Child Support Social Worker Supervisor, led the case response activities.


The residence of the three orphans was not easy to reach. At least 30 minutes, the team had to pass to arrive at a location approximately 1 km from the village road. This is the way that the orphaned children go to gain knowledge at school.


"The results of the assessment that we have conducted show that children have never been touched by any assistance, starting from the Family Hope Program (PKH), Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT), Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS), Smart Indonesia Card (KIP). This is one of our jobs to solve social problems for these kids," said Supena.


The three children are PM (girl - 13 years), NA (girl - 9 years), and AA (boy - 3 years). The three children had been abandoned by their biological mother less than a year ago, while their biological father also passed away 3 months ago.


The current condition of the three children is living with their siblings. The economic condition of these households can be said to be lacking, even electricity for lighting their homes has to stay with their neighbors by paying Rp 20 thousand.


Babah (not his real name), the three children's sibling, said that he did not have a permanent job. "So to support my younger siblings, I only work odd jobs on projects, if any," he said.


The living conditions of the children are also not suitable for habitation, this is because the accessibility of the Toilet (MCK) is not available in the house. At least they have to walk to a water source that is quite far from the house where they live.


Furthermore, when the team asked for the identities of the three children, Babah showed them the Family Card (KK) which still contained the names of their parents but did not yet contain the name of AA (the last child of the three orphaned children).

Supena explained that his party would solve this identity problem by connecting it with the West Lombok Dukcapil Office. "In addition, we will also connect with the Social Service to get social welfare security assistance," he said.

At the end of the session, "Paramita" Center handed over emergency assistance according to the needs of the three children, including 3 packs of children's food, 1 box of 12 packs of fast food, 2 mattresses and bed.

"Thank you, Ministry of Social Affairs for the assistance, we are happy because we can sleep on this soft bed," said PM.