BEKASI (November 17, 2019) - Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Edi Suharto, gave direction to the Coordination Meeting for Elderly Professional Assistants at the Amaroossa Grande Hotel Bekasi.
The Director General of Social Rehabilitation in his direction stated that an increase in the population of elderly in the world, including in Indonesia, has a consequence on the increasing need for social services for the elderly, both the elderly in the family and the elderly in the community.
With an increase in the population of elderly, it must be followed by updating valid elderly data so that services provided to elderly can reach all elderly in Indonesia. Therefore, professional assistants in Social Services / Institutions throughout Indonesia have a duty to obtain valid data on the number of elderly throughout Indonesia.
"It needs to be refreshed on the commitment and duty as an elderly companion and an understanding of the Progress 5.0 New Platform. The approach system from Progress 5.0 NP is different from the orphanage system,” said Edi.
"So, our social rehabilitation is at an advanced level, Elderly facilitators accompany our continuing program. The basics are carried out by the orphanage accompanied by the local government, ”he said.
"In essence, the social rehabilitation carried out by our Ministry of Social Affairs is limited by time, so we no longer care for the bedridden elderly, who live in the orphanage. We will focus on them / the potential elderly so that they can be rehabilitated in us in a short time, a maximum of six months," said Edi.
Through this activity, it is hoped that it can improve the competence, abilities, knowledge and skills as well as better and more professional performance of the assistants.
The activity took place from 17-20 November 2019 with 128 participants, who came from Provincial Social Services / Institutions, Professional Assistants, Employees in the Directorate of Elderly Social Rehabilitation.