JAKARTA (6 May 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs today held a Ramadan Bazaar entitled "Cheap Shopping Together with the Minister of Social Affairs" at the Ministry of Social Affairs Office, Jalan Salemba Raya No. 28, Central Jakarta.


A total of 17 participants who participate in this event included 12 participants from the Social Rehabilitation Center, 2 participants from the Beneficiary of the Entrepreneurship Program (Prokus) of the Directorate General of Social Empowerment, 1 participant from Kumala Foundation, 1 participant from Perum Bulog and 1 participant from PT. Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia.


The Ministry of Social Affairs' Ramadan Bazaar provides necessities, prayer equipment, contemporary veil, Eid cakes, various snacks, Indonesian food, ornamental plants to accessories.


On this occasion the Ministry of Social Affairs also invited the beneficiaries of the Swara Peduli Social Welfare Institution (LKS), LKS Balarenik, and LKS Bhakti Nurul Iman. They were given vouchers in exchange for basic food items worth Rp 160 thousand, beef worth Rp85,000 (1 kg), and cash worth Rp200,000.


This activity was also enlivened by a special performance from the Disnet Band from Disability Center "Tan Miyat" Bekasi. This Ramadan Bazaar will last until May 7, 2021 and of course, has implemented Covid-19 prevention health protocols, starting from wearing masks, washing hands, and maintaining distance.