SUKABUMI (November 30, 2020) – The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation in collaboration with UNICEF held a Workshop on the Results of Strengthening the Child Care Community (KOMPAK) which was held in Sukabumi.
This workshop is one of a series of community-based ATENSI activities that have been carried out previously in Cihamerang Village and Cipeuteuy Village. Also present at this activity was the Acting Regent of Sukabumi, as well as representatives of the Social Office, Manpower Office, Education Office, Women and Children Empowerment and Protection Office, Health Office, Sukabumi Police PPA Unit, and Sukabumi Integrated Service Center for Women and Children Empowerment (P2TP2A).
Representing the Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Director of Child Social Rehabilitation, Kanya Eka Santi, in her presentation said that in the next 10 years, Indonesia will face a demographic bonus where the number of working age or productive age is greater than the unproductive age.
“The demographic bonus is expected to occur in 2030-2040, so those who are still children today will be part of the demographic bonus. For that, it is important for us to protect children at this time so that we can get the demographic bonus,” explained Kanya.
The responsibility to protect children, continued Kanya, is the responsibility of all parties, including the community. The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation has launched the ATENSI Program based on family, community, and residential.
“What we did with UNICEF in Cihamerang Village and Cipeutey Village is a form of community-based attention. Our program is Parenting Together or in West Java it is called Ngasuh Babarengan,” said Kanya in front of the invited guests.
Ngasuh Babarengan is part of a national program to invite all elements to take part in child care. According to Kanya, this program adapts to local wisdom.
“The mention of Parenting Together is adjusted to the respective regional languages. For example, for West Java it is Ngasuh Babarengan, and in Java it is Momong together,” said Kanya.
Representing the Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Director of Child Social Rehabilitation, Kanya Eka Santi, in her presentation said that in the next 10 years, Indonesia will face a demographic bonus where the number of working age or productive age is greater than the unproductive age.
“The demographic bonus is expected to occur in 2030-2040, so those who are still children today will be part of the demographic bonus. For that, it is important for us to protect children at this time so that we can get the demographic bonus,” explained Kanya.
The responsibility to protect children, continued Kanya, is the responsibility of all parties, including the community. The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation has launched the ATENSI Program based on family, community, and residential.
“What we did with UNICEF in Cihamerang Village and Cipeutey Village is a form of community-based attention. Our program is Parenting Together or in West Java it is called Ngasuh Babarengan,” said Kanya in front of the invited guests.
Ngasuh Babarengan is part of a national program to invite all elements to take part in child care. According to Kanya, this program adapts to local wisdom.
“The mention of Parenting Together is adjusted to the respective regional languages. For example, for West Java it is Ngasuh Babarengan, and in Java it is Momong together,” said Kanya.
According to Kanya, the Ngasuh Babarengan program aims to build public awareness to jointly care and participate in protecting children in their environment so that their future can be saved. In addition, through this program, it is hoped that synergies in handling children can be created.
"Through this program, it is also hoped that child protection can be carried out in synergy between families, communities and local governments so that children can live, grow, develop, optimally," continued Kanya.
Meanwhile, attending via Zoom, UNICEF representative, Astrid Dioniso, revealed that taking care of children requires a shared commitment. Astrid links parenting to Ecological Theory. According to Ecological Theory, children live with people who influence the development of children, both families and communities in which the child is located.
“This means that the community or society is an inseparable part of child care. The role of the community is very important in creating conditions that support child development and can identify vulnerable children and families,” said Astrid.
According to her, it is the community who will also connect these vulnerable children and families with existing source systems such as the Integrative Child Social Welfare Program (PKSAI).
In this activity, representatives of the two villages also explained each program that had been carried out. Cipeuteuy Village has formed a Top Ten Cyber Team which is a task force for caring for children in Cipeuteuy Village. Team Leader, Dayat, said that he appreciated the Ministry of Social Affairs for facilitating the implementation of this program.
“We thank the Ministry of Social Affairs team for facilitating this activity. Since the team was formed, we have carried out parenting training for parents in Alow and Cisalimar hamlets. We have also conducted counseling on children's rights to relevant stakeholders," said Dayat.
Furthermore, Dayat revealed that the Top Ten Cyber Team will conduct capacity building for team members, childcare training in 4 hamlets, and plans to develop Youth Posyandu in each hamlet.
"Through this program, it is also hoped that child protection can be carried out in synergy between families, communities and local governments so that children can live, grow, develop, optimally," continued Kanya.
Meanwhile, attending via Zoom, UNICEF representative, Astrid Dioniso, revealed that taking care of children requires a shared commitment. Astrid links parenting to Ecological Theory. According to Ecological Theory, children live with people who influence the development of children, both families and communities in which the child is located.
“This means that the community or society is an inseparable part of child care. The role of the community is very important in creating conditions that support child development and can identify vulnerable children and families,” said Astrid.
According to her, it is the community who will also connect these vulnerable children and families with existing source systems such as the Integrative Child Social Welfare Program (PKSAI).
In this activity, representatives of the two villages also explained each program that had been carried out. Cipeuteuy Village has formed a Top Ten Cyber Team which is a task force for caring for children in Cipeuteuy Village. Team Leader, Dayat, said that he appreciated the Ministry of Social Affairs for facilitating the implementation of this program.
“We thank the Ministry of Social Affairs team for facilitating this activity. Since the team was formed, we have carried out parenting training for parents in Alow and Cisalimar hamlets. We have also conducted counseling on children's rights to relevant stakeholders," said Dayat.
Furthermore, Dayat revealed that the Top Ten Cyber Team will conduct capacity building for team members, childcare training in 4 hamlets, and plans to develop Youth Posyandu in each hamlet.
"Certainly, we will continue what the Ministry of Social Affairs has started. We will develop the Ngasuh Babarengan style in every RT and evaluate the program regularly,” said Dayat.
Meanwhile, Cihamerang Village has also formed a child care community called the Ngaber Task Force. The head of the Task Force, Neneng Sumiati said that the task force had carried out activities to strengthen the capacity of parents and children, as well as a meeting of RT heads.
"At the time of strengthening the capacity of parents, we compiled a work matrix for parents that contained a checklist for parenting activities to attach parents and children," said Neneng.
According to Neneng, this matrix contains simple activities that parents must do for their children every day, such as hugging their children and asking how they are doing. This is considered able to bring parents and children closer.
“We have received many testimonies from parents that this matrix is actually able to close the gap that has existed between parents and children. Many of the parents said that so far they have not communicated and had little contact with their children,” said Neneng.
Furthermore, on the same occasion, Acting Regent of Sukabumi R Gani Muhammad in his direction appreciated the Concurrent Nursing Program carried out by the Ministry of Social Affairs along with UNICEF in their area.
"This moment is a very strategic moment for us to raise the alarm for caring for children, and I give the highest appreciation to the Ministry of Social Affairs," said Gani.
Gani also expressed his appreciation for the public's awareness to form the Top Ten Cyber and Ngaber Task Force. He hopes that both teams can provide understanding to parents so that they know and understand the condition of their children. In addition, the team is expected to be able to revive existing traditional games so that children are not only glued to playing gadgets.
Then he stressed that the local government fully supports this program.
"We, the local government, are committed to providing support to the task force so that they can show their performance in providing protection for children, especially children who are vulnerable to violence," said Gani.
Finally, Gani hopes that the sustainability of this program will be maintained and the birth of Community Care for Children in other villages in Sukabumi.
Meanwhile, Cihamerang Village has also formed a child care community called the Ngaber Task Force. The head of the Task Force, Neneng Sumiati said that the task force had carried out activities to strengthen the capacity of parents and children, as well as a meeting of RT heads.
"At the time of strengthening the capacity of parents, we compiled a work matrix for parents that contained a checklist for parenting activities to attach parents and children," said Neneng.
According to Neneng, this matrix contains simple activities that parents must do for their children every day, such as hugging their children and asking how they are doing. This is considered able to bring parents and children closer.
“We have received many testimonies from parents that this matrix is actually able to close the gap that has existed between parents and children. Many of the parents said that so far they have not communicated and had little contact with their children,” said Neneng.
Furthermore, on the same occasion, Acting Regent of Sukabumi R Gani Muhammad in his direction appreciated the Concurrent Nursing Program carried out by the Ministry of Social Affairs along with UNICEF in their area.
"This moment is a very strategic moment for us to raise the alarm for caring for children, and I give the highest appreciation to the Ministry of Social Affairs," said Gani.
Gani also expressed his appreciation for the public's awareness to form the Top Ten Cyber and Ngaber Task Force. He hopes that both teams can provide understanding to parents so that they know and understand the condition of their children. In addition, the team is expected to be able to revive existing traditional games so that children are not only glued to playing gadgets.
Then he stressed that the local government fully supports this program.
"We, the local government, are committed to providing support to the task force so that they can show their performance in providing protection for children, especially children who are vulnerable to violence," said Gani.
Finally, Gani hopes that the sustainability of this program will be maintained and the birth of Community Care for Children in other villages in Sukabumi.