MAMUJU (January 28, 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Paramita Children's Center in Mataram and the Toddopuli Children's Center in Makassar is back in Mamuju Regency, West Sulawesi. Psychosocial Support Services (LDP) activities are focused on children who are in evacuee shelters located at Manakarra Stadium.

I Ketut Supena, as the Head of the Paramita Children's Center who went directly to the evacuation site said, "We are back in West Sulawesi after some time previously distributing Social Rehabilitation Assistance Assistance (ATENSI) for children and infants in Mamuju District the day after the earthquake. This is our responsibility because the West Sulawesi area is the work area of ​​the Paramita Children's Center."

Psychosocial Support Services is a form of activity that focuses on bringing happiness to children. This is important to ensure that children stay healthy mentally, psychologically and socially. LDP focuses on strengthening resilience (psychological aspects) of children and also on social interactions (social aspects) between individuals and their environment.

"Children have the opportunity to continue to grow and achieve their goals. This activity is also a catalyst so that children can quickly forget the disaster that occurred, and minimize the traumatic impact felt by children." Supena said.

LDP activities are carried out by conducting play therapy and education for children, as well as psychoeducation for parents which is also an important factor in restoring children's conditions to their normal limits. Disaster conditions make children unable to continue their lives alone, therefore the role of parents and their immediate environment is also important in this vulnerable period.

The head of the Toddopuli Children's Center, Christiana Junus who was also present at the Manakarra Stadium, said, "We as the closest center to the disaster site also support the implementation of the LDP which was carried out today. When a disaster occurs, all the joints and bones of the Ministry of Social Affairs must come down as a responsibility to Public."

In addition to LDP, the Paramita Children's Center and Toddopuli Children's Center also provided wet and dry food packages to 185 children in the evacuee shelter. Confirmed after the activity, Nayla, one of the beneficiaries, said, "We are happy to have brothers and friends come, make us happy, we are happy."

In this activity, besides being attended by the LDP Team of Paramita Children's Center and Toddopuli Children's Center, the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation and the social pillars of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs were also attended.