SUKABUMI (28 May 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia distributes Cash Social Assistance (BST) through PT. POS . In the initial stage, this BST was handed over simultaneously to five villages in Kebon Pedes District, namely Jambenenggang Village totaling 248 Beneficiary Families (KPM), Sasagaran Village 296 KPM, Cikaret Village 463 KPM, Kebon Pedes Village 538 KPM, and Bojong Sawah Village 768 KPM. The total number of Bansos recipients for the Kebon Pedes district was 2313 KPM. KPM will receive BST in stages which will be distributed in May, June and July. Each KPM receives assistance of Rp. 600 thousand per month.

Present in the distribution process at the Jambenenggang Village Office, Village Representatives, the BST Monitoring Team of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs, West Java Province, which consisted of Representatives of the Social Rehabilitation Center for People with Mental Disabilities (BRSPDM) "Phala Martha" in Sukabumi and the Social Rehabilitation Workshop for People with HIV ( LRSODHIV) "Kahuripan" in Sukabumi.

Monitoring in the implementation of BST distribution activities needs to be carried out on an ongoing basis to ensure this assistance reaches KPM who are the targets of BST recipients. In addition, monitoring is also carried out to ensure that the BST distribution process still observes the protocol for preventing the spread of COVID-19 by maintaining  physical distancing, using masks, and taking BSTs one by one so as to avoid crowds.

The process of distributing this aid went smoothly without any significant obstacles. This can be done thanks to good coordination with related parties such as PT POS, police officers, village officials, and Jakarta Public Order Agency.

The Head of Jambenenggang Village, Ujang said that the 248 KPM recipients of BST in Jambenenggang Village had validated the data so that it was truly accepted by the people affected by COVID-19. In addition, the distribution of social assistance should not overlap. Bansos recipients of assistance from the Village, Regency, Provincial and Central Government must actually be validated so that there is no deviation or misdirection.