CENTRAL LOMBOK (March 18, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Paramita" Children's Center in Mataram provides workshop training for Child Social Welfare Institutions (LKSA) forum administrators, students and female students in Central Lombok at the Al Irsyad Islamic Boarding School.

Workshops are given to students with the aim of introducing and providing education and life skills in processing goods that are considered useless into goods of economic value.

Fathurahman as Chair of the Central Lombok Regency LKSA Communication Forum (FKLKSA) in his speech said, "All skills have aims and benefits for all of us, no matter how small these skills must have a function for ourselves and others, therefore we, the LKSA forum throughout Central Lombok, invited the Paramita Mataram Children's Center to train us to process water hyacinth to produce works of high economic value."

I Ketut Supena in his opening said, "Sengkol Village, Pujut District, is located in the Mandalika Special Economic Zone (KEK), certainly this must be a potential source of economic improvement for members and children in LKSA by producing premium-class works that are in demand by the market. "

Supena explained the water hyacinth processing steps, starting from harvesting, drying, curing, processing into products with economic value to marketing strategies.

"In the Sengkol area, it seems that there are many abundant natural resources such as water hyacinth and pandan which can be used as raw materials for processing goods of productive value." Add Supena.

On that occasion Supena explained that water hyacinth is considered a weed and troubles farmers because it absorbs plant nutrients but can be processed in such a way according to creativity so that it has high selling value and the resulting product is able to compete in the market.

Furthermore, Supena also described variants of processed water hyacinth that have high economic value, including Water Hyacinth Sandals (SAEGO), Trays, Key Chains, "Ngober" Paddle Chairs, Water Hyacinth Wall Clocks (Jadi Ego), and Tissue Boxes.

Not just an explanation, the team also played a video of water hyacinth processing, from harvesting to ready-to-use goods.

Next, the team invited the workshop participants to practice directly processing water hyacinth into sandals. Dewa Made Arjana as the instructor in the activity started the practice by flattening the dried water hyacinth plant.

The flattened water hyacinth is then woven according to the motifs and patterns of the items to be made. After being proficient in flattening and weaving, Made continued by gluing with a sandal pad sponge using glue.

Baiq Sri Wahyuni, one of the workshop participants said "Thank you Paramita Children's Center for teaching us to make things from water hyacinth. Hopefully the knowledge that we have learned can be useful for us in the future."

Then Suparlan, the Head of the Training Committee, said that this activity was very beneficial for them so that after the training they would continue to teach the thousands of female students in LKSAs throughout Central Lombok Regency.

At the end of the session Fathurrahman said that activities like this would not stop here, but would be continued with similar activities taking place at other LKSAs in Central Lombok.

Supena welcomed the optimism of the Head of FKLKSA to hold similar activities elsewhere. "Paramita also always opens the door for LKSAs who want to visit the hall to study. We are always ready to share knowledge with all," Supena concluded.