JAKARTA (25 May 2021) - Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat representing the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini together with the Commission X House of Representatives (DPR RI) Working Committee discussing the List of Issues Inventory Bill (DIM RUU) on Psychological Practices in the Meeting Room of Commission X DPR RI.


On this occasion, Harry said that the Ministry of Social Affairs appreciates the Bill on the Practice of Psychology. "Of course it becomes very strategic because when dealing with social problems, the need to ensure that psychologists can work effectively in overcoming mental health problems experienced by people with social problems is factually very necessary," said Harry.


Chairperson of the Meeting, Hetifah Sjaifudian concluded that the Bill on Psychological Practice stipulated by DPR RI and the Government was included in the list of priority National Legislation programs in 2021 through the 15th plenary session dated March 23, 2021. The Bill on Psychological Practice is in the order of number 20 as the Bill proposed an initiative of the DPR RI.


Commission X DPR RI and the Government agreed to accept 117 permanent DIMs. With a note that changes to the formulation in the Permanent DIM that occur as a consequence of the discussion of other DIM categories in the Working Committee, the changes to the formulation of the Permanent DIM will be brought to the Working Meeting for approval.


Commission X DPR RI and the Government agreed to submit 259 DIM Delete, 87 DIM Substance Change, 86 DIM Substance Change, and 124 Editorial Change DIM to the Bill Work Committee on Psychological Practices for further discussion following the discussion mechanism agreed upon at the 22 March 2021 Meeting.


DPR RI and the Government agreed to deepen 5 (five) clusters of crucial issues contained in the Bill on Psychological Practice, namely psychological practice services, education, and psychology personnel, quality assurance governance, partnerships and financing, and professional organizations before conducting an in-depth study based on DIM.


Commission X DPR RI and the Government agreed that the substance regulation in the Bill on Psychological Practices must be in line with the provisions of other laws and regulations, including Law No. 22 of 2012 on Higher Education, Law no. 36 of 2014 on Health Workers, Law no. 18 of 2014 on Mental Health, Law no. 14 of 2019 on Social Workers, and other related laws.

The government conveyed the need to focus on the scope and objectives of the Bill on Psychological Practice, including the implementation of psychology practice by professional psychologists, service/practice standards, and competency standards for psychologists, registration, and license to practice psychologists, sustainable competency development, foreign psychologists, professional organizations that has the authority to carry out psychological practices, guidance and supervision, career and professional advancement, criminal provisions, and transitional provisions.

Commission X DPR RI gives the view that it is still necessary to deepen the scope of psychological regulation, including on psychological education, psychological practice, and broader regulations, to allow for changes in the title and substance of the bill.

Commission X DPR RI and the Government will pay attention to all notes and views submitted by both parties to be followed up in the discussion and become an integral part.

The Working Committee Meeting on the DIM Bill Discussion on Psychological Practice was attended by the Minister of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Nadiem Makarim, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights.