KLATEN (January 28, 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Antasena Magelang Children's Center is here to ensure the fulfillment of the rights of children in evacuee camps for victims of the Merapi eruption. This time the targets were evacuee children in the Temporary Evacuee Place (TPS) in Balerante Village, Kemalang District, Klaten Regency. The Antasena Children's Center Outreach Team (TRC) provided social assistance and gifts containing small meals. Psychosocial assistance is provided through group dynamics and educational games.

Young Social Worker of Antasena Children's Center, Hesti Ambar Widagdo who represented the Head of the Center conveyed the purpose of social assistance for children. “Psychosocial assistance for children in evacuee camps is urgently needed so that children do not experience trauma and do not experience boredom if they are in evacuee camps for a long time. In addition, the provision of social assistance and assistance is one of the implementations of the Social Rehabilitation Assistance program or ATENSI," he explained.

The Balerante village official, represented by Janu, the Head of Balerante Village Planning, expressed his gratitude “We are very grateful for the arrival of the fathers and mothers from the Antasena Children's Center of the Ministry of Social Affairs who have given their attention in the form of assistance and gifts for our children.

"Children don't feel bored here," he said. He also conveyed information about the state of the Balerante Village TPS, "The number of evacuees is 227 people, 20 children under five, 41 children in age, the condition of the children is quite stable.

Public kitchen utensils are provided by the Muhammadyah Disaster Management Center or MDMC Muhammadiyah Klaten, while cooking activities are carried out by PKK women and the distribution of food is carried out by evacuee mothers. Because now is the COVID-19 pandemic, so we are limiting the number of volunteers in public kitchens," he added.

Janu also mentioned the assistance they had received and the activities they had provided, including those from the Sahabat Anak Satlantas Police, Klaten Regency, Geological Disaster Technology Research and Development Center (BPPTKG), Mountain School Education, Klaten Regency LPA, and student volunteers in the field of children from UGM. For logistics from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) and non-governmental organizations.

The Social Office of Klaten Regency always monitors the development of the condition of the evacuees. The health condition of evacuees is always monitored by the medical team of the Kemalang District Health Center by conducting pickets through the doctor on duty every day. Meanwhile, to maintain security, Babinsa and Babinkamtibmas were deployed in Balerante Village.

Bilqis, 10 years old and Lina, 7 years old, who are evacuee children at Balerante TPS, expressed their feelings that they felt happy because they were often invited to play by their older siblings who came in turns so that they did not feel bored even though they had been in the evacuee camp for a long time.

Furthermore, the Antasena Children's Center TRC officer headed to Tamansari District, Boyolali Regency to coordinate after receiving information about the area in the village that was affected by the Merapi eruption on Wednesday, January 27, 2021 yesterday.

"There are 5 areas that experienced ash rain accompanied by sand and wind, namely Sangup Village, Mriyan, Lanjaran, Sumur and Gimowo. Mriyan Village, apart from experiencing the impact of the Merapi eruption, also experienced a landslide in Gobumi Hamlet which resulted in the interruption of access routes to and from Gobumi Hamlet," said Joko Sutejo, Head of Trantib Sub-district of Tamansari.

Dian as Secretary of Gobumi Village said that efforts had been made to ask for heavy equipment assistance, but the steep terrain prevented heavy equipment from accessing the area. “Efforts are being made by the residents to work together to clean the roads using manual tools. There has been attention from the government through the provincial BPBD regarding the need for heavy equipment to be able to clean landslide material," he added.

Dian also added that the logistics needed for now is food because the residents of Gobumi Hamlet cannot carry out their activities due to the disconnection of the main road in and out of the hamlet.