EAST FLORES (April 9, 2021) – The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation provides Psychosocial Support Services (LDP) for child evacuees in Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) Province. This was done in response to the flash floods that occurred in a number of areas in NTT. In a disaster situation, children in evacuation sites are included in a vulnerable group who need Psychosocial Support Services as a form of post-disaster recovery.

Psychosocial support services are provided directly by a team consisting of Social Workers and Psychologists from the Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for Children, Social Worker Serve Unit (Sakti Peksos), Peace Pioneers from the Directorate of Social Protection for Social Disaster Victims (PSKBS), PKH Companions, and Disaster Voluntary Worker (TAGANA). LDP activities in East Flores were carried out in 4 posts, namely in Ile Boleng District, in Nelelamawangi Village and Nelelamadike Village, and in Adonara District, in Waiwerang Village and Lamahala Village. This area is the area most affected by flooding.

"The LDP activity has been carried out since April 5, 2021, but the team experienced difficulties in accessing the evacuation site due to the cut-off road access and limited available resources," said Meilani, Psychologist at the Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation.

"So far the LDP Team has collected data on refugees in Ile Boleng and Adonara. "From the results of the team's data collection in Nelelemawangi Village and Nelelamadike Village, it is known that 452 people are in evacuation and a total of 142 children consisting of 6 babies, 42 toddlers, and 94 children aged 5-18 years are in these locations," concluded Tina, Social Worker Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation.

In addition to collecting data, the LDP Team also conducted an assessment of child refugees. From the results of the assessment conducted, it is known that children need assistance to meet basic needs such as food and clothing. Apart from that, the results of the assessment also showed that there were still many children who felt scared, especially at night. "We are afraid that the water and mud like yesterday will come again," said one of the child evacuees.

"There are 2 children with the initials W and A who need special protection due to severe trauma from the flash floods that befell their families. The two children lost their parents and siblings. Social Workers have provided intense assistance to these children," added Tina.

As an effort to restore feelings of fear or trauma in children due to the flash floods in NTT, the Ministry of Social Affairs has conducted Social Support Services for child evacuees. This activity is carried out through games such as singing and moving together, drawing together as art therapy for children, playing ball, guessing games, and other educational games facilitated by Social Workers. Apart from that, children are also taught about health protocols that must always be obeyed at the evacuation site considering that currently is the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. The children looked very happy, entertained, and enthusiastic to participate in the activity.

Apart from child evacuees, LDP is also given to parents of children through Family Strengthening Gathering Activities. This is done to motivate families to survive in difficult situations and continue to provide good care for their children.