WAINGAPU (13 April 2021) - Directorate of Social
Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of Social Affairs along
with Vocational Center "Inten Soeweno" Cibinong, Disability Center "Ciungwanara"
Bogor, Disability Center "Phala Martha" Sukabumi, Disability Center “Melati”
Jakarta, Disability Center “Tan Miyat" Bekasi, and Disability Center
"Efata" Kupang conducted Psychosocial Support Services (LDP) for
Persons with Disabilities affected by flash floods in East Sumba Regency.
Due to heavy rains and
strong winds that resulted in floods and landslides which caused people's
houses to be flooded, damage to land, roads, dams, bridges, and so on.
As many as 20,000
refugees have gradually returned to their respective families. The East Sumba
region is included in the red zone of the Covid-19 pandemic and some refugees have been detected as positive for Covid-19 and it is finally
decided that there will be no more refugee posts. Handling of victims of the
subsequent disaster impacts through Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) for
Persons with Disabilities.
A total of 18,855
households were affected by floods and strong winds. The total damage to
residential houses was 8,416 units, with details of heavy damage to 2,123
units, moderate damage to 1,642 units, and minor damage to 4,651 units. About 16 broken bridges, 23 roads, and 45 schools were also damaged.
Besides, community
members also experienced the loss of household appliances, agricultural
equipment, carpentry tools, electronic equipment, and motorized vehicles.
Social Worker from the
Directorate of Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Disabilities, Sri Nursanti
said that for victims affected by the flash flood disaster in East Sumba
Regency, it is necessary to provide Psychosocial Support Services in two LKS
for Persons with Disabilities.
The first location, LKS for
Persons with Disabilities Bhakti Luhur in Kambajawa, Waingapu City, East Sumba.
"The beneficiaries in institutional care are 12 children, aged 7 to 16
years, 4 boys, 8 girls with various disabilities," said Sri Nursanti.
"2 children with
physical disabilities, 3 children with sensory disabilities, 5 children with
intellectual disabilities and 2 orphans. Besides, there are also 28
beneficiaries outside of institutional care, ranging in age from 4 to 30
years," he added.
The second location is the Kanatang Waingapu Special School (SLB) with 26 beneficiaries. Intellectual disabilities are 13 children, sensory disabilities are 10 children, and physical disabilities are 3 children.