MAKASSAR (March 30, 2021) - The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Toddopuli Children's Center "Makassar" conducted a search regarding children who were victims of the suicide bombing that occurred at the Makassar City Cathedral Church, last Sunday (28/3/21).
The case response team that went to the field immediately coordinated with the Makassar City Government and the Makassar Polrestabes. From the search results, information was obtained that there were 3 children who were victims, namely JMA (7 years old), TBA (6 years old) and BL (2 years old).
After obtaining the child's identity information, the Case Response Team immediately conducts a Home Visit to the child's home. The team then met with Mrs. Yasmin who is one of the victim's family. Yasmin said, "My mother named Marla (64 years old) took her three grandchildren to Karebosi Field to play football while walking. About 300 meters before arriving at the location, suddenly there was an explosion next to the gate of the Cathedral Church."
The explosion resulted in injuries to Marla's thighs and calves, while the three children suffered injuries to their calves, knees and ankles.
Currently, Marla and her three grandchildren are in Bhayangkara Hospital for medical treatment due to their injuries. The psychological condition of the child, especially BL (2 years old) is still traumatized because every time he hears a loud sound or sound, the child covers his face with his hands while running towards his parents.
The team then conveyed to the family that the Ministry of Social Affairs was ready to provide ATENSI (Social Rehabilitation Assistance), especially for Child Psychosocial Support Services (LDP). Budi Dharma Saputra as the representative of "Toddopuli" Center said that it is important for children to get psychosocial therapy so that children do not get prolonged trauma related to the events that have just happened.
Ministry of Social Affairs Provides LDP to Children of Suicide Bombing Victims in Makassar

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