SAROLANGUN (12 April 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Alyatama" Children's Center in Jambi provides Community-Based Child Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) services in Bukit Suban Village and Pematang Kabau Village, Sarolangun District, Jambi Province.


Following the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, KAT is a group that has not received civil rights yet so that their data is sought to be integrated with Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) so that they can access various government programs. Through the assessment and data collection of the Children of Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) in Sarolangun Regency, it is believed that it can help accelerate equality for them.


Children Emergency ATENSI activities were carried out on 91 SAD children in 3 points of the Bukit Suban village settlement, namely Seputih Kayu I, Seputih Kayu II and Seputih Kayu III with a target of ATENSI services as many as 65 children, while in Pematang Kabau Village there were 26 children.


In this activity, a 3-year-old child with physical disability since the age of 7 months was also found after experiencing a high fever for days.


"The ATENSI Children in Remote Indigenous Community is a very useful program, with this activity it is hoped that in the future it will become a sustainable activity involving all elements of the surrounding community, such as community leaders, educational leaders and people living in areas close to the SAD residence", said Elyadi as Social Worker of the Children's Center" Alyatama "in Jambi.


"We will help all the activities carried out by the Alyatama Children's Center, especially the activities carried out with a good purpose, namely helping the Children of SAD in Bukit Suban in fulfilling the necessary needs following the results of the assessment," added Lasino as the Bukit Suban Community Leader.


On the way to three location points in Bukit Suban Village, the team consisting of Social Workers and Social Instructors needed extra energy because the terrain was quite heavy to get to that point. But the fatigue paid off after arriving at the location with smiles from the SAD children who had been waiting for the arrival of the "Alyatama" Children's Center team in Jambi.