WEST LOMBOK (April 24, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Paramita" Children Center in Mataram responded to the case of a child with a physical disability named Ni Wayan who is 3 years old.
In accordance with the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini that the Center must respond quickly to social problems found in the community, so the "Paramita" Children's Center deployed a team to respond to the case of the disabled child.
Upon arrival at Ni Wayan's residence, the mother explained the chronology of events, "This incident started when there was an earthquake in 2018 in the Lombok area when Wayan was 1 month old. His father, who panicked during the earthquake, immediately took his child and mother to flee up the hill. Panic conditions resulted in the father falling with the condition of the child being crushed by his father."
This is suspected of trauma to the child's head. When the child is 2 months old, the child has a high fever which causes the child to have seizures. Until now the condition of his legs is weak and he can't even stand up. His hands are also weak so the child cannot hold something.
Finally, almost all of his daily activities needed help from his parents. In addition, the child also can not speak. To communicate his desire, the child can only show his hands.
The mother said, "So far the child has never been examined at the hospital because there is no cost. Our family does not have a KIS card so the family cannot afford to pay for our child's medical expenses."
Therefore, "Paramita" Children Center will carry out its role and function to provide Social Rehabilitation Assistance Services (ATENSI) thoroughly through advocacy for children's health needs, this is reinforced by the statement of the Social Worker, Mira Nitakusminar who said, "We are from "Paramita" Children Center will be ready to accompany the administrative process until it is finished. Tomorrow Monday we will accompany you to make a Certificate of Disadvantage and a letter of recommendation for Contribution Assistance Recipients (PBI) at the West Lombok Regency Social Office. After the two letters have been issued, we will also accompany Madam to submit files and administrative requirements to the local BPJS Kesehatan office to become BPJS participants and get health facilities according to the appointment."
Regarding the Family Hope Program (PKH), the "Paramita" Children Center will collaborate with the West Lombok District Social Office for Social Protection and Security to manage PKH membership. If according to the results of a field visit by the PKH verification/assistant officer, Ni Wayan's family is entitled to PKH assistance, then the Social Worker at the Children's Center "Paramita" will carry out further social assistance to help Ni Wayan become a PKH participant based on predetermined conditions.
On this occasion also, the "Paramita" Children's Center also provided Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) support e.g basic needs and nutrition for children including rice, cooking oil, diapers, telon oil, biscuits, apples, and pears.
The family is very grateful for the attention of the Ministry of Social Affairs, especially the "Paramita" Children's Center, which provides moral and material support to them so that they are optimistic and believe that Ni Wayan can survive and get her rights like other children.
Furthermore, for further treatment, the "Paramita" Children's Center in Mataram will coordinate with the "Prof. Dr. Soeharso” Center for Disabilities in Surakarta.