BADUNG (March 4, 2021) - The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the Mahatmiya Center for Social Rehabilitation of Persons with Visual Disabilities Bali participated in the Promotion and Dissemination of Communal Intellectual Property carried out by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia Regional Office in Bali with the theme "Communal Intellectual Property as Regional Identity".
The Mahatmiya Bali Disability Center is present to officially receive the Intellectual Property Rights Mark Certificate (HKI) for Artne Coffee from the Governor of Bali Province, I Wayan Koster. Artne Coffee as a coffee brand and also the name of the Production Installation was formed to support the improvement of skills and entrepreneurship for Persons with Visual Disabilities.
Communal Intellectual Property consists of geographical indications, traditional cultural expressions, traditional knowledge, and genetic resources. The potential of communal intellectual property is so great that it requires protection and utilization.
Artne Coffee is not only limited to a Coffee Shop but also produces packaged coffee. Besides that, Artne Cofee trains people with visual impairments to learn how to mix coffee drinks, how to select coffee beans, roasting, packaging and marketing techniques. The processed coffees include Robusta coffee, Arabica coffee and Lanang coffee which are obtained directly from farmers in the Pupuan, Tabanan and Kintamani areas, Bangli.
When receiving the IPR certificate, the Head of the Mahatmiya Bali Disability Center, Sutiono expressed his hope. "With this IPR Brand Certificate, we hope that Artne Coffee can increase Competence in Local/International Trade, and can encourage sales and purchase of goods," he concluded.
Artne Coffee was initiated on March 5, 2018 which aims to develop the entrepreneurial spirit of people with visual impairments and help improve their mobility orientation skills, as they become more proficient in moving and moving around. In addition, this cafe is also a place for resocialization with the community, they can communicate directly with the community and this will increase their confidence before returning to the community.
In addition to marketing in the local area of Bali, Artne's coffee products have visited several countries such as Korea, Germany, Russia, Australia, America and Germany.
Humas Balai Disabilitas Mahatmiya Bali
Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N