JAKARTA (April 24th, 2020) - The Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social SMERTIA shall conduct meetings discussing case management systems for 5 social rehabilitation clusters namely children, persons with disabilities, victims of drug abuse, elderly persons with deviance issues, and trafficking victims.

Many cases need quick handling by Ministry of Social Affairs. Based on the basic needs, the Director General of Social Rehabilitation invites the Ministry of Social's Data and Information Center (PUSDATIN) and UNICEF to review the needs of the case management system. "We need to have a system like an information center in which is not only available call center service, but also other multi service that can be responded through e-mail or social media," said Director General of Social Rehabilitation.

Director General of Social Rehabilitation added that this information center will be connected to the case management system in the form of apps."This connection to facilitate the companion or social worker (PEKSOS) in responding to the case, to record the case based on the intervention stage until the case is closed," said Director General of Social Rehabilitation. With this case management system, Social Ministry will be able to control where the handling process of a case from assessment, case conference, to service intervention corresponds to the case. "Its description, this system can also be accessed by social worker and companion in 5 social rehabilitation clusters maintenance by Ministry of Social Affairs," concluded in the Director General of Social Rehabilitation.

The Director of Child Social Rehabilitation, Kanya Eka Santi added that previously already proposed to PUSDATIN that this case management system can be developed function to see the performance of social worker or companion, understanding the development of cases, efficiency and effectiveness of case handling and exactive model of service.

Head of Data and Information Centre Ministry of Social Affairs (Pusdatin), Said Mirza Pahlevi said that Pusdatin has built some systems for the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation. "The current concept of all applications built in this Ministry of Social Affairs is unified, all systems must be connected to the social independent information system of Next Generation (SiS-Ng). System security is more awake because of full management by Pusdatin," Head of Data and Information Centre said.

Unity all applications within this Siks-ng will provide a variety of information. Not only related to case management, but also for example, beneficiary data (PM) from the incoming case response, it will be identified whether the PM is registered in the integrated data of social welfare (DTKS), the PM is listed in the family, social welfare agencies (LKS) and where school and the PM has already got any help. This can be identified because Pusdatin is connected to the principal data of DKAPPPIC (DAPODIK) and Population and Civil Registry (Dukcapil).

On this occasion, Pusdatin also performs the simulation of the GOP SIKS-NG application in the form of a website that is still built. By logging in the name of the social worker or companion and password, then there will be a data of the social workers activity, the training followed and what case has been addressed. This app is more emphasis on integration with DTKs.

The GOP SIK-Ng app is also available in mobile versions can be accessed via smartphone the additional function is to be able to record the ruin from the community for vulnerable cases.

In addition to Pusdatin, the UNICEF, Astrid Gonzaga Dionisio also performs a simulation of Primero applications which is an information management system for child protection. This app is even running and has been used by the social worker service unit. Uses are for case management, incident monitoring and family-reference and reunification. This app is more emphasis to the depth of the case.

The Director General Social Rehabilitation expects the Pusdatin team and the UNICEF team can sit together to consolidate the Surgical Application, whether there is a possibility that can be combined or modified its instruments.

41 participants followed this meeting. The participants were Secretary of Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Director of Social Rehabilitation, Head of Sub Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation, Head of Balai / Loka Child Social Rehabilitation, the Go Help Development Team of Pusdatin and Primero App Development Team from UNICEF.