JAKARTA (May 12, 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation (Ditjen Rehsos) conducted a sweep of residents affected by COVID-19 at two locations in North Jakarta, Tuesday (12/5/2020).

"Today, we are continuing the mission mandated by the Minister of Social Affairs Juliari P Batubara so that people affected by COVID-19, especially residents who live in such places where administratively the population is not registered according to their domicile," said the Director General of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat at the second location.

One of them, said Harry, is the fishermen along the Kali Adem, who generally come from Cirebon, Brebes and other areas to make a living along the coast of North Jakarta to the Seribu Islands, including Pari Island, which is usually taken every time they go to sea.

In this COVID-19 situation, the fishermen's lives are quite depressed, plus the price of fish caught in the market is decreased, for example, crabs are usually sold for Rp60,000 and becomes Rp20,000, which is almost a third of the normal price.

"This condition occurred at the Fish Auction Place (TPI) in a fairly sluggish state, as a result of COVID-19 and the supply-demand market mechanism system being disrupted. It is suspected that many fishermen have fallen into poverty based on the recognition of fishermen throughout the Kali Adem," he said.

With the existence of a Large-Scale Social Restriction policy that requires all residents to stay at home, including fishermen not to go to sea, to be in public spaces if not necessary, such as in markets and streets, and to maintain physical and social distance. "This condition turns out to be very difficult for fishermen to carry out, because they go to sea every day, even though the fish catch is not appreciated as usual," explained Harry.

For the fishermen, who are generally immigrants, have not received assistance from the social safety net program, in the form of social assistance for basic necessities from the President. as well as social assistance for basic necessities from the DKI Provincial Government or from the Mayor.

"Earlier we searched and visited from the direction of Kali Adem by boat, there are 30 fishing families who have never received basic food assistance from the Regional Government or from the President through the Ministry of Social Affairs. We need to fix the validation together," he said.


What's interesting about the Director General's visit this time is that the way to distribute basic needs is not by road, but through the Kali Adem by renting a motorized boat. The group that brought basic necessities and medical equipment was divided into 2 groups. Slowly the boat moved toward the fishermen's huts and the Director General greeted the fishermen and their families while delivering basic necessities from the riverbank. In general, they do not know that there is food assistance from the government. Although the RW who accompanied the boat stated that the data on poor fishermen had been submitted to the sub-district.

Data collection starting from the bottom of the RT, RW, sub-district, to the district must be sure to be collected at the Social Office to be submitted by the Mayor, as well as become the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) as a reference for recipients of social assistance.

"Indeed, we both know that residents who have not received BPNT or Food Assistance and also have not received Family Hope Program (PKH), will receive basic food assistance from the president and assistance from the regional government," he said.

Although there is a mechanism every three months according to the update rules, it is not optimal. Law No. 13 of 2011 concerning the poor, efforts to update should be carried out by local governments in stages from sub-district to district to regencies/cities.

"If it has been fixed, hopefully at the next distribution stage in the Jabodetabek area it will be more targeted and from the target side, really pay attention to residents who have not received assistance or are marginalized because of the situation and conditions of daily life that still need assistance," he said. .

It should be understood that this social assistance reminds them not to recognize the dichotomy between immigrants or natives, nor to recognize the professions of citizens, whether fishermen, traders, scavengers and beggars.

"This is a principle that must be applied from the social safety net program, whoever is a resident, if the condition is from a poor family and is experiencing life difficulties, he needs to be given basic food assistance," said Harry.

Previously, at the first point of the visit, the Director General of Social Affairs distributed basic food assistance in the BMW area, Kebon Bayam Village RT 10 RW 08, Papanggo Tanjung Priuk Village, Block AA 2 distributed as many as 50 food packages for scavengers, day laborers, beggars, the elderly and other vulnerable residents.

"As many as 50 packages of basic food assistance have been distributed which were witnessed and received directly by the Head of RT, Mr. Hidayat. Hopefully it will be useful and can ease the burden on residents affected by COVID-19," the Director General hoped.

The Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, also handed over medical equipment assistance (alkes), in the form of hand sanitizers, masks, personal protective equipment (PPE), disinfectants (contents of 5 liters 2 gallons of free alcohol), and spray equipment.

In addition, through the Coastal Children's Foundation (YRAP) on Jalan Muara Angke Pengasinan PHPT Block A RT/RW 06/01 distributed 50 packages of basic food assistance, plus medical equipment in the form of Disinfectant (contents of 5 liters 2 gallons free alcohol).

"Alhamdulillah, we thank the Director General who has distributed social assistance at our place, hopefully it will add to the joy and serenity in this month of Ramadan," said YRAP administrator, M Asraf.

Also present to accompany the Director General of Social Affairs, namely the Director of Elderly, Structural Secretariat of the Directorate General of Social Affairs, Heads of Pangudi Luhur and Budi Dharma Centers, Head of Social Welfare of the DKI Prov Social Affairs Office, Social Satpol of Penjaringan Sub-District of Social Affairs, and Head of Welfare Section of Pluit Village.