BEKASI (24 February 2021) - The Director of Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Eva Rahmi Kasim opened the Workshop on Learning the Advanced Program with the Empowerment of Youth with Disabilities in Asia organized by Humanity and Inclusion virtually and directly at the Aston Imperial Bekasi Hotel from the 23 -24 February 2021.

This workshop presented the results and impacts of program achievements in providing opportunities to implementing partners, corporate partners, and beneficiaries.

"The Central and Local Governments are required to provide opportunities for Persons with Disabilities to attend job skills training at central government, local government, and/or private job-training institutions as mandated by Law Number 8 of 2016 on Persons with Disabilities," Eva explained.

The situation of the employment analysis of Persons with Disabilities shows that as many as 18.3% is the workforce of persons with disabilities, for 54% do not participate in the labor market (source: TNP2K 2020).

"Employment opportunities in the formal sector that are offered for Persons with Disabilities by companies cannot be fulfilled because of the low level of education, namely 45.74% who never went to school or did not graduate from elementary school, compared to 87.31% of non-persons with disabilities who had elementary school education and above based on data from LPEM-UI in 2016, "added Eva.

Eva further said that the Ministry of Social Affairs through 19 (nineteen) Disability Centers as UPTs that provide direct services for Persons with Disabilities has carried out the development of sustainable vocational rehabilitation with a workshop setting that provides job training, facilitates special needs, as well as provides permanent employment opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in workshops that are managed commercially.

The development of vocational rehabilitation is part of the implementation of the Ministry of Social Affairs' new platform, namely Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) in the form of the Entrepreneurship Program for Persons with Disabilities.

"The Care Sheltered Workshop (SWP) Development Initiative has been adopted by many countries in the world for job opportunities and protection for Persons with Disabilities. SWP aims to create economic independence and at the same time implement vocational rehabilitation for the development of individuals with disabilities," said Eva.

Eva added, to coincide with the highlight of the 2020 International Disability Day event, the Ministry of Social Affairs inaugurated the website: as a virtual gallery which is a forum for creativity for persons with disabilities and a marketplace with the outside the world for economic empowerment.

Country Manager for Humanity and Inclusion, Swetika Eko Saptyono revealed, from July 2019 to March 2021, the Maju Bersama Program was expanded to Indonesia, namely in South Jakarta, Bekasi City, and Bekasi Regency. "The consideration of the program being implemented in the selected districts/cities is the opportunity to promote inclusion in the workplace and equal opportunities as well as the high number of persons with disabilities who have not worked," said Swetika.

The Special Advisor of Social Affairs for the President, Angkie Yudistia was also present to virtually deliver five directives from the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo in accelerating digital transformation. "First, expanding access and improving digital infrastructure. Second, preparing a digital transformation road map in strategic sectors. Third, accelerating the integration of national data centers. Fourth, preparing human resources for digital talents. Fifth, preparing matters related to regulations, schemes funding, and digital transformation financing, "explained Angkie.

"These changes need to be immediately anticipated and prepared with careful planning, among others by carrying out an inclusive social analysis, systematic data collection, community-based social rehabilitation," he added.

Good practices in the progress program with youth with disabilities were conveyed by several company representatives who had recruited workers with disabilities. They are the owner of Kopi Sunyi, Mario Gultom, who said that 12 people have participated in barista and soft skills training to communicate with other people. Meanwhile, from E-Chanel entrepreneur, Citra Sasongko revealed that he had recruited 11 persons with disabilities who were divided into two outlets by having a customer service education program and communication training.

Workshop participants consisted of elements from ministries/agencies, Bappeda, Social Services, Center for Job Training Development, BUMN, the Indonesian Employers' Association (APINDO), Disabled Persons Organizations (OPD), beneficiaries and other related parties. They agreed that there is still a need to increase understanding in society so that there is no discrimination against Persons with Disabilities and the importance of intermediaries with labor providers.