BEKASI (16 Agustus 2021) - The implementation of the event to commemorate the 76th Republic of Indonesia's Independence Day and the Launching of WARUNG NKRI is a form of gratitude for the gift as a great country that has now been and continues to grow and develop. Various results of development in all fields which are the work of the nation's children.


The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) is an agreement of the founding fathers of the nation. Based on the bitter experience of being a colonized nation for centuries, the Indonesian people agreed that only unity was suitable as a form of state. Because with a strong unity the Indonesian nation was able to expel the invaders from the archipelago.


On this basis, on the commemoration of the 76th Indonesian Independence Day, BNPT also launched the first WARUNG NKRI, Warung Defending the People, Defending the Nation, and Defending the State. The term WARUNG was taken because it physically describes the simplicity of a warung (read: shop) as a place to gather and transact daily needs for the community.


Head of BNPT, Boy Rafli Amar said that WARUNG NKRI is expected to be a place or forum for all shop visitors and the surrounding community to dialogue, discuss, to maintain national values​​and the four pillars of basic consensus in the nation and state.


"As a means for us to strengthen the noble values ​​of our nation, which today certainly faces obstacles with the emerge of a virus that we experience every day," said Boy Rafli.


"WARUNG NKRI is also one of the solutions in fighting hate narratives that divide the nation by causing misinformation and propaganda of intolerance, anarchism, radicalism and terrorism", he continued in commemoration of the 76th Indonesian Independence Day and the launching of WARUNG NKRI.


WARUNG NKRI is also expected to be a means of equal, active, and non-exclusive dialogue that provides suggestions and solutions in protecting the Unitary State of The Republic of Indonesia and some community problems both on a national and regional scale. All community members can participate in this dialogue and receive benefits in the form of solutions in the dialogue program.


"This NKRI shop is expected to be a means of education, because the physical characteristics of this shop will be seen with a red and white flag, we will place the symbol of the Garuda, unity in diversity," explained Boy Rafli.

Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat said at the event that the big idea made by BNPT by making WARUNG NKRI could be part of a social movement. "The Ministry of Social Affairs is very supportive of what was initiated by BNPT and the Minister is very supportive of this WARUNG NKRI, especially the WARUNG NKRI utilizing the facilities at the ATENSI Creation Center (SKA)," said Harry.

Harry Hikmat also responded to the inaugural launch of WARUNG NKRI which was held at the Pangudi Luhur ATENSI Creation Center Bekasi, "Cool, this is a synergy that appears equivalent, there is a movement from the government to move WARUNG NKRI to create national unity", Harry's response.

Activities that can be carried out by the Ministry of Social Affairs will use the tagline WARUNG NKRI, of course, this activity collaborates so that there is strengthening for programs implemented by the Ministry of Social Affairs.

This activity is expected to be a field of charity and worship. In the context of service to the homeland and nation. As well as maintaining the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia from the dangers of the virus of terrorism and radicalism.

The event was attended by the Director of Social Rehabilitation of the Persons with Social Deviance Issues and Victims of Trafficking in Persons and his staff, the Deputy Mayor of Bekasi, the Secretary of BNPT, the Director of the Pancasila Clinic, Representatives of the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture, the Head of the Pangudi Luhur Bekasi Center, and the BNPT Senior High Officials.