BANJARBARU (November 3, 2021) - Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) support from the Ministry of Social Affairs continues to flow in several areas, one of which is in Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan. A total of Rp199.200.000,00 ATENSI support was symbolically handed over by Members of Commission VIII DPR RI to the beneficiaries.


The handover of this assistance was carried out at Social Rehabilitation Center “Budi Luhur” Banjarbaru along with the agenda for the Special Working Visit of Members of Commission VIII DPR RI to South Kalimantan.


Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini on various occasions mandated that the Social Rehabilitation Centers implement multiple services, namely not only dealing with one vulnerable group but all vulnerable groups such as children, the elderly, people with disabilities, victims of drug abuse as well as persons with social deviance issues and victims of trafficking in persons.


Therefore, Budi Luhur Center handed over ATENSI support to 37 orphans, fatherless and motherless whose parents died due to Covid-19 in the form of ATENSI Savings, 83 beneficiaries were given entrepreneurship assistance and 12 people with disabilities were given accessibility assistance.


Director of Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities, Eva Rahmi Kasim, said that Budi Luhur Center as one of the UPTs of the Ministry of Social Affairs has a target of serving 2,275 Social Welfare Service Recipients (PPKS) in 2021. As of November 3, 2021, a total of 2,149 PPKS have been provided with good family-based services, community, and residential.


"Budi Luhur Center serves beneficiaries not only in South Kalimantan Province but also in North Kalimantan, East Kalimantan, and Central Kalimantan. In providing services, we work closely with the Social Office and Dukcapil Office to identify the beneficiaries," explained Eva.


On this occasion, 1 unit of Disability Access Car was also launched, namely a car designed to be able to transport people with physical disabilities who use wheelchairs. Access car worth Rp701.788.000,00 it has advanced features that can accommodate as many as 2 passengers in wheelchairs.


The way of transportation is by placing a disabled person in a wheelchair on a hydraulic machine, then the machine will lift him and the wheelchair can easily fit into the car.


This disability access car is the first access car in South Kalimantan. This car will be used to transport the elderly and people with disabilities who need this vehicle in an emergency. This car can be used by the general public in South Kalimantan.

"This Disability Access Car Service is very good. Especially if it is available throughout Indonesia for people with disabilities and the elderly. Visiting various regions, the Ministry of Social Affairs has given attention to orphans, fatherless and motherless affected by Covid-19. We are happy about this," said Marwan Dasopang, Deputy Chairman of Commission VIII of the House of Representatives.

Marwan also said that the message from the members of Commission VIII of the House of Representatives was let's make the Social Rehabilitation Center a service center for vulnerable groups don't divide it. All must be served.

Hanna Yessa (18 years), a disabled person with cerebral palsy since the age of 8 months, said that she is happy and grateful to have a wheelchair that makes her mobility easier. He is increasingly excited to achieve her dream of becoming an inspiring young YouTuber with disabilities.

Likewise, with Annisa Aulia (17 years old), she will continue to study so that her dream of becoming an ustadzah (Islamic teacher) is achieved. Since her mother died in August 2021 due to Covid-19, she as the first child has strengthened herself to accept the condition.

"The point is to be patient. We are being tested. When God tests us, it means that God loves us. It also increases our rank before God. God believes we can pass this test. That is my strength," she said.

The Specific Working Visit and Delivery of ATENSI Aid was attended by the Deputy Chairperson and 12 Members of Commission VIII DPR RI, Director of Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities, Eva Rahmi Kasim, Secretary of the South Kalimantan Provincial Social Office, Diyah Anur Yani, Chairperson of the Banjarbaru Insan Mulia Berkah Foundation, Devi Yuliana, Assistant Vice President of Bank Mandiri KCP Banjarbaru, Merciani Pujiastuti.