JAKARTA (October 21, 2021) - As many as 30 community-based Drug Abuse Victims (KPN) who are assisted by the Mandatory Reporting Institution (IPWL) Mutiara Maharani Foundation Jakarta participated in a mobile phone skills training course in the hall of Menteng Atas Village Jl. Menteng Pulo Setia Budi, South Jakarta.


This mobile service skills training is one of the ATENSI program activities for KPN provided by the Ministry of Social Affairs through Social Rehabilitation Panasea Jakarta. IPWL Mutiara Maharani Foundation submitted a proposal for ATENSI support to the Ministry of Social Affairs through Panasea Center as many as 50 people with the need for 30 people for cellphone skills courses, 10 Arabic language courses, and 10 English courses.


This training activity began with an opening ceremony which was attended by the Head of Menteng Atas Village, Wawan Hermawan, Head of the Setiabudi Sub-district Social Service Unit, Head of Panasea Center, Isye Sri Rahayu accompanied by Head of Social Rehabilitation Services Section Gunawan and Head of IPWL Yayasan Mutiara Maharani Ade Hermawan.


In his speech, Wawan expressed his full support for the ATENSI program. “Don't let this activity become a ceremonial event, come, be absent and go home, but KPN must be able to implement it at home. With this activity, hopefully, the resource persons will also be able to recommend/distribute KPN to mobile service shops to hire them,” he added.


Meanwhile, the Head of Panasea Center, Isye Sri Rahayu stated that the mobile phone service training was a form of the ATENSI entrepreneurship development program for KPN. In this digital era, when is it necessary to follow mobile phone service. Through the attention of the mobile phone service course, it is hoped that they can increase the independence of KPN and open their own business to meet the needs of themselves and their families.


IPWL Chairperson of Mutiara Maharani Foundation Ade Hermawan said that the ATENSI program provided for KPN was quite good. This can be a job for them,” he concluded. Ade hopes that ATENSI support will continue. "Hopefully in the future KPN can get assistance in the form of equipment to open a mobile phone service business, maybe a soldering iron or a display case because I see it's unused if it only ends here, so at least there is a continuation for the equipment assistance," he added.


At the same time, Zulkarnain, one of the participants in the mobile phone skills training course who has attended social rehabilitation for four months at IPWL Mutiara Maharani Foundation, stated that this activity was very interesting and useful. This training can be a life skill, for additional insight and knowledge. "Mobile phone has become a basic need for the community, so hopefully it can be a provision for us in the future. I'm grateful to be able to open my own business," he hoped.

The activity which lasted for nine days, starting from 21 to 30 October 2021, was in collaboration with the Indonesian Cellular School - Electronic Education Institute. The training participants will receive theory and practice with materials including an introduction to cellular phone self-service material, service equipment, and components, hardware and software differentiation, PCB disassembly techniques, Charging connectors, flexible LCD, and touchscreen connection techniques, and general fault diagnosis and solutions. After the participants complete the training, they will be given a certificate so that they can get jobs easily and can even open their own mobile phone service business.