BOGOR (March 2, 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Ciungwanara" Disability Center again coordinated with the Bogor City Social Office to monitor the development of Rafi Aryastya (RA) for a child with Hydrocephalus, who previously had an initial assessment, comprehensive assessment and intervention by the Bogor City Social Office and Ministry of Social Affairs through "Ciungwanara" Center.
On this occasion, Tuesday (2/3), the Head of the "Ciungwanara" Disability Center, Siti Sari Rumayanti, immediately coordinated with the Bogor City Social Office to discuss the development of the process of inputting RA family data into Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS) and submitting a change in the status of independent health insurance to PBI JKN .
The Head of the Bogor City Social Office, Fahrudin, explained that currently the DTKS process has entered the data verification and validation stage, just waiting for the online system to be opened by the Ministry of Social Affairs' Data and Information Center (Pusdatin).
"Currently, the RA registration process to DTKS has been completed. Now the Social Office will immediately register RA families to enter the Family Hope Program (PKH). Meanwhile, health insurance has entered the submission stage to BPJS Health and will start being active this March," explained Fahrudin.
"The Social Office has also connected RA with Dompet Duafa and the foundation to fulfill health needs such as payments for arrears on the Healthy Indonesia Card, payment for medical expenses that are not covered by BPJS. Starting in April 2021, Dompet Duafa and the Foundation will also provide compensation. in the form of health costs and meeting RA's daily needs of IDR 3,000,000/month," added Fahrudin.
The team then went straight to RA's residence, which was warmly welcomed by his family. RA's father, Mohamad Arnanto, said that currently the need for RA can still be met from the ATENSI assistance provided by the "Ciungwanara" Center in early February.
"We are very grateful for the 3rd visit from the Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Ciungwanara" Center, it really means a lot to our children and families who are experiencing difficulties during this pandemic," said Arnanto.
On this visit, "Ciungwanara" Center again handed over assistance to RA. Sari said that the ATENSI Assistance that the Ministry of Social Affairs distributed this time was in the form of 2 cans of Morinaga NL 33 Milk and 1 Box of Vitamin Liprolac, this was to help the recovery process of RA who had just recovered from diarrhea.
"Hopefully the attention and attention from the Minister of Social Affairs can ease the burden felt by the family," said Sari closing her visit.
Monitor the Development of Hydrocephalus Beneficiaries, the Ministry of Social Affairs Returns to Distribute Aid

Humas Balai Disabilitas "Ciungwanara" Bogor
Annisa YH
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