JAKARTA (September 8, 2022) – Handayani Center received the Monitoring and Evaluation Team for the management of Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) from the Finance Bureau of the Ministry of Social Affairs. The activity aimed at maintaining orderly administration of PNBP within the Ministry of Social Affairs took place in the meeting room of Handayani Center and was attended by the Head of the Center and about 20 employees in charge of PNBP.


The monitoring event began with the introduction of the Monitoring Team, chaired by Adi Munggaran and a speaker from the Ministry of Finance, followed by remarks by the Head of Handayani Center, Romal Sinaga. "We are very grateful that the Ministry of Social Affairs' request for a PNBP rate of IDR 0.00 can be realized so that the Beneficiaries (PM) can take the benefit from the sale. The proof is that they have their own accounts,” he said.


Romal also welcomed the speaker from the PNBP Directorate of the Ministry of Finance Diananto Krisnandono and expressed his gratitude to the PNBP Monitoring Team of the Finance Bureau of MoSA for taking the time to manage the PNBP at Handayani Center. "Our Center is 10 hectares wide with 200 human resources, for that reason we hope can continue our good cooperation with all parties for the progress of the Center in the future," he added.


In his presentation, Diananto stated that the main topic of the Ministry of Social Affairs’ PNBP at this time was the request for a tariff of IDR 0.00 from the Minister of Social Affairs to the Ministry of Finance related to the ATENSI Program. "As long as the beneficiary is the one who takes all the profits from PNBP, it doesn't matter, and the Ministry of Finance proposes that the MoSA issue a Minister of Social Affairs Regulation on PNBP tariff of IDR 0.00", he explained.


Furthermore, he explained clearly the various regulations that underlie the management of PNBP Ministries/Institutions and provided guidance for admins regarding procedures for inputting PNBP IDR 0.00 data in the SIMPONI application.


In addition, the head of the Monitoring Team for the Finance Bureau of MoSA said that in the application of the PNBP IDR 0.00 tariff, it was necessary to have a joint understanding between the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Ministry of Finance so that the results of the Ministry of Social Affairs finance reports get a good score.


During the event, PNBP Monitoring and Evaluation activity participants listened carefully. The event took place interactively and all questions from participants could be facilitated by the speakers.