CIMAHI (May 10, 2020) – “Abiyoso” Indonesian Braille Literacy Center (BLBI) in Cimahi welcomed the Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P. Batubara, on a working visit accompanied by his staff at the Ministry of Social Affairs. The visit this time is still in a series of activities for the distribution of Cash Social Assistance (BST) of the Ministry of Social Affairs for people affected by COVID-19 in West Java.

The Social Affairs Minister and his staff headed to the Cimahi Post Office, which is the location for BST distribution in Cimahi City. The distribution given is 600 thousand rupiahs per family, with a total of 13,910 families in Cimahi City. Departing from the Cimahi Post Office, the Minister continued his journey to West Bandung Regency, precisely at the Sahabat Tani Mulya Building, Ngamprah District.

The BLBI “Abiyoso” also continued to monitor the distribution of BST in Cimahi City from the previous days. This is to ensure the distribution is well-targeted and conducive by paying attention to the COVID-19 health protocol.

The Minister of Social Affairs visited the BLBI “Abiyoso” and was greeted by the Head of BLBI “Abiyoso”, Isep Sepriyan, and staff. This visit is a form of full support for the strategic role of BLBI “Abiyoso” as a manager, national reference, and braille literacy laboratory as mandated in the Minister Of Social Affairs Regulation Number 18 of 2018 on the Organization and Work Procedure of the Technical Implementation Unit of the Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities in the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation. 

As the only Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) within the Ministry of Social Affairs that manages braille literacy for Persons with Visual Sensory Disabilities (PDSN) in Indonesia, BLBI “Adiyoso” has a vision of “The realization of the BLBI “Abiyoso” as a Management Institution, National Reference, and an excellent Braille Literacy Laboratory. Currently, BLBI “Abiyoso” introduces their additional unique name to the public as “Braille House”. 

Besides producing Braille Books, Talking Books, and Audio Mobile Library App for the sake of the advancement of PDSN literacy throughout Indonesia, BLBI “Abiyoso” has also implemented several work programs aimed at fulfilling literacy needs while improving PDSN literacy skills.

The program includes Whispering Cinema (Bioskop Berbisik); Braille Reading/Writing Training (Latin and Arabic); Information Technology Training; Mobile library; Establishment of Braille Corners in various libraries throughout Indonesia; Storytelling; Literacy exhibition; Workshop; Braille and talking book printing; Gema Braille magazine printing and publishing, and much more.

During his visit, the Social Affairs Minister saw firsthand the production process of braille books. Starting from the typing process using a conventional machine specifically for braille and the use of modern tools such as computers, to the printing process using a braille printer, the Minister even tried the braille typing machine directly. Not only that, the printed production results in the form of braille books did not escape his interest to touch and read it, guided by one of the BLBI “Abiyoso” employees who is a braille switcher.

The Social Affairs Minister was very impressed to learn Braille on his visit. He also wrote his impression and message for BLBI “Abiyoso” on a canvas, “Thank you, Keep the Spirit Of Working for Humanity”. 

BLBI “Abiyoso” continues to improve the production output and services in terms of quality and quantity through work programs that are continually being developed so that it is relevant to the current times according to the conditions of PDSN literacy needs and abilities.

With the Minister of Social Affairs’ working visit to BLBI “Abiyoso” this time, it is hoped that a stronger synergy will be built and there is an increase in morale in providing better services to PDSN.

This is an integral part of citizens who deserve respect, fulfillment, and protection of their rights, especially in terms of literacy.

Even though we are in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, BLBI “Abiyoso” will still pay attention to the reading material needs and information for PDSN through the media and carry out every instruction and direction from the Minister of Social Affairs, Juliari P. Batubara, both related to the handling of COVID-19 pandemic and other social welfare fields.