BEKASI (April 4, 2023) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini again showed her concern to help children who need medical care. This morning (4/4), the Minister met the family of Khalila Zahra Kamila (7) and Muhamad Dika (4) at the Pangudi Luhur Bekasi Integrated Center to hand over assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs and donations from

The Minister of Social Affairs took the time to have a direct dialog with the parents. In the conversation running for approximately one hour, the Minister of Social Affairs encouraged parents to strive for the recovery of their children.

"They (children) cannot forever depend on mom and dad. Parents will get older, one day they will die, we cannot let them suffer," she said in front of the parents.

On that occasion the Minister of Social Affairs persuaded parents to send their children to the Center owned by the Ministry of Social Affairs to get intensive care.

"If later at the Center they will get good food. Then it will be treated so that it recovers faster. Please once again, this is for the sake of their future. It's a pity if they are not treated because this requires special therapy," she said.

According to the Minister, parents can temporarily stay at the Center during the treatment process. In addition to accompanying children, they can also get entrepreneurial training and sell at the ATENSI Creation Center where the income can be saved.

As is known, the Ministry of Social Affairs has facilitated the treatment of children with terminal illness who need medical care. From 2021 to February 2023, the Ministry of Social Affairs has responded to 1,046 children where sick children are the most cases handled. So far, the Ministry of Social Affairs has facilitated operations during treatment, advocated to make BPJS PBI, and initiated fundraising with

Meanwhile, Khalila's biological mother, Siska Amelia (27) admitted that she did not expect her child to be visited directly by the Minister of Social Affairs. The woman from Sukabumi is grateful that her child can receive assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs through Phalamarta Center. The assistance provided is in the form of fulfilling nutrition, children's toys, school supplies, and operational assistance during treatment at the hospital. Similar assistance was also provided to Khalila's twin brother, Khalifa.

"Earlier, the mother said to buy (food) nutrition, because their weight is not going up," she said.

Khalila was born weighing 2 kg and grew like a normal child. When she was 6 months old, she was diagnosed with VSD (Ventricular Septal Defect), which is a leak in the partition between the ventricles of the heart. At that time, her parents were reluctant to take her to the hospital due to financial constraints. But her condition began to deteriorate and the doctor diagnosed Khalila with VSD, Sepsis (complications due to the body's response to infection), urinary tract infection, and stunting.

In addition to Khalila's recovery, Siska also claimed to have received entrepreneurial assistance for her husband. "I got help with a haircut. His father likes to shave at home. Now we want to build a barbershop on the side of the road. Then later there will be chicken farming assistance from Sentra Phalamarta," she said.

Khalila's father Nurkamil (32) works as an office boy at an ice cube factory in Sukabumi, earning Rp1.7 million per month. Sometimes Khalila's father also receives haircuts on call. Meanwhile, her mother is at home taking care of Khalila and her twin sister.

Khalila's family received assistance worth IDR 15.7 million from the Ministry of Social Affairs and IDR 29.3 million from donations.

Entrepreneurial assistance was also provided to Muhamad Dika's family. Dika's biological father, Toni (36) received business capital assistance in the form of a three-wheeled motorbike along with a package of children's snacks entrepreneurship. This assistance was provided through Galih Pakuan Bogor Center. In addition, the Center also paid off the debts and arrears of Dika's family rent, which is located in Labuan Village, Labuan District, Pandeglang Banten.

Dika has a condition where his legs are very small. This condition causes him to be unable to walk even though he is four years old. His parents could only surrender because they had no money to take Dika to the hospital.

His father works odd jobs, while his mother Dewi (43) earns a living as a laundry worker. This uncertain income that cannot fulfill the needs of a family with three children.

From the Center, Dika's family has received assistance in the form of basic necessities, accommodation to the hospital, wheelchairs, and children's toys.

The total assistance provided to Dika from the Ministry of Social Affairs is IDR 27.9 million and the donation from is IDR 37.9 million.


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Ministry of Social Affairs