CIANJUR (26 February 2023) - The Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) conducted a case response against a female victim of sexual violence. In accordance with the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, the MoSA’s Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) took the necessary steps to ensure that victims receive assistance.
Following up on the direction of the Minister, the Inten Soeweno Integrated Center (STIS) Cibinong conducted a comprehensive assessment to determine the needs of S.
The team from STIS provided assistance with medical and psychological examinations for this Cianjur resident. Laboratory test results showed S is negative for HIV/AIDS virus infection or other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). This 20-year-old woman's mental condition was in a good condition except for the mild anxiety.
"Since 23 February 2023, S has been at STIS to receive residential services. The companions also provided sewing vocational training," said the Head of STIS MO Royani in Bogor (26/02).
This was in line with the doctor's recommendations so S gets intensive psychosocial assistance and needs to be trained to learn new skills for her future.
MoSA also provided ATENSI assistance in the form of clothing and personal hygiene equipment for IDR 1,810,000 and covered the cost of medical examinations, drugs and laboratories for IDR 1,075,590.
For Eti (S' mother), ATENSI assistance was provided in the form of basic necessities worth IDR 976,500, the business capital of IDR 3,460,000, and household equipment (160 mattresses, bolster pillows, wardrobe, fan, dish rack, gas stove and regulator) in the amount of IDR 4,000,000.
The S family has not been registered in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) and does not yet have Indonesian national health insurance (PBI-JKN). MoSA’s team coordinated with Village Officials and the Social Office to update the family registers and propose DTKS to get PBI-JKN and Non-Cash Food Assistance Program.
S was a victim of sexual violence by her biological father when she was 16 – 18 years old (2018 to 2020). Currently, the perpetrator (D alias R) has been detained and the case is still under investigation by the Women and Children Service Unit of the Cianjur Police. Her mother is a farmer and her father is a laborer.
S grew up in a broke up family. Her parents divorced in 2003 when S was 6 months old. S was then raised by her father's relatives. In grade 1 of junior high school, her adoptive parents divorced and S's upbringing was returned to his biological father. S did not continue her studies because she had to help her father to take care of her grandmother who had a stroke.
In 2018 when S was 16 years old, she experienced sexual violence for the first time from her biological father from April 2018 to November 2020. She was unable to resist because she was threatened with a sharp weapon. She wanted to move to her biological mother's house, but couldn't bear to leave his grandmother who was sick. Her father also restricted her from social interactions and forbade S to stay at her mother's house.
On 13 January 2023, the family made a police report and the perpetrator was arrested on 16 January 2023. The perpetrator was charged with Articles 2 and 3 of the Child Protection Law with a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison because the perpetrator is a family that should protect the victim. The case file is currently still under police investigation.
Public Relations Bureau
Ministry of Social Affairs