BANDUNG (15 February 2023) - The Ministry of Social Affairs (MoSA) through the Public Relations Bureau and Wyata Guna Center together with the Central Information Commission (KIP) converted the Public Information Disclosure Act and derivative Government Regulations to braille format. The process of converting these regulations was an implementation of accessible public information that is open to everyone, including persons with disabilities (PwD).
“Act and government regulations regarding Public Information Disclosure must be converted to braille. It must be accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities," said the KIP Commissioner for Regulation and Public Policy Gede Narayana at the Wyata Guna Center, Bandung, Wednesday (8/2).
Gede hopes that the conversion of legal documents to braille format will not only be limited to Acts and derivative Government Regulations of Public Information Disclosure but also Information Commission Regulations (PERKI). Acts and derivative Government Regulations of Public Information Disclosure are planned to be converted into audiobooks.
In the coordination meeting held between MoSA and KIP, the Head of the Wyata Guna Center Bandung, Iri Sapria, explained the technical mechanism for braille printing was processed based on application letters from individuals and institutions. Sentra Wyata Guna is targeting to print as many as 48,000 braille books per year using the State Budget so that the costs will be free for non-profit interests.
"Through the State Budget, we print out and deliver the books to braille applicants. We accommodate requests from organizations, government agencies, regional libraries, and individuals from all regions in Indonesia. This also applies to the production of audiobooks," said Iri Sapria.
Iri said that in 2023, his party had made a braille production plan at the request of the public. "Once collected, we produce the books. There are two ways of braille production, namely printed out with a special braille printer and typed manually on a special tool. Both manually and on a computer using a special braille application. Both of them are typed. There is a special application for braille," he said.
After going through the typing, said Iri, editing was carried out by two editors who are also persons with visual impairment. Then, the braille text is neatly published bound, and sent to the applicant's address.
During the visit, KIP also inspected the braille production building and the audiobook production room at Wyata Guna Center in Bandung.
Public Relations Bureau
Ministry of Social Affairs