SANGGAU (9 December 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs carried out an emergency response in handling people with hearing and speech disabilities who experienced rape in Sanggau Regency, West Kalimantan Province.


Through the collaboration of 2 (two) Technical Implementation Units (UPT) of the Ministry of Social Affairs, namely Social Rehabilitation Center “Satria” Baturraden and “Melati” Jakarta, Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) support was provided to reduce trauma and crises faced by victims.


SKP, a 19-year-old disabled person experienced sexual violence on Sunday (28/11). The perpetrators of sexual violence initially came to the victim's house to get massage services from the victim's mother. However, after the massage, the perpetrator asked the victim's mother to find him a cold drink. When the victim's mother left, the perpetrator raped the victim. The victim's sister saw the incident and then reported the perpetrator to the neighbors.


Currently, the perpetrators have been detained by the police and the investigation is being handled by the Sanggau Resort Police. During the examination process, the Social Service for Women's Empowerment, Child Protection and Family Planning (DSP3AKB) of Sanggau Regency facilitated a sign language interpreter to accompany the victim and place the victim and her family in a shelter belonging to DSP3AKB.


Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini specifically gave directions to immediately provide ATENSI services for SKP and her family.


Following up on the directive, Satria Baturraden and Melati Jakarta collaborated to reduce the crisis faced by SKP and her family.


Satria Baturraden prepared ATENSI support in the components of fulfilling a decent life in the form of basic needs, nutrition, vitamins and honey, personal hygiene equipment, clothing, and medical masks for SKP and her younger siblings. The assistance was handed over directly by the Minister of Social Affairs in a series of Working Visits with the President of the Republic of Indonesia for 3 days in Sanggau and Sintang Regencies, West Kalimantan Province.


The Minister of Social Affairs also gave directions to conduct a hearing level examination of the SKP. As a result, SKP's right eardrum was damaged while his left ear still had a residual hearing, making it possible to receive a hearing aid (ABD). The installation of ABD was carried out by Melati Center Jakarta team on Wednesday (8/12). Now SKP is starting to hear and is being trained to optimize his remaining hearing through speech therapy.


The head of the Jakarta Melati Center, Romal Uli Jaya Sinaga, said that ABD was given to SKP to support its potential.

"According to the direction of the Minister, we provide accessibility support as an effort to optimize the potential of persons with disabilities. We are concerned about the case experienced by SKP and her family. The Ministry of Social Affairs ensures to provide assistance and speech therapy so that SKP can maintain her safety and fulfill his rights as Indonesian citizens," said Romal.

In a series of Working Visits from the Minister of Social Affairs in West Kalimantan Province, Melati Jakarta also handed over ATENSI services in the accessibility support component in the form of ABD for 17 people with hearing and speech disabilities from Sintang Regency and 4 people with hearing and speech disabilities from Sanggau Regency with a total assistance value of Rp.42,000,000,00.