KARO DISTRICT (June 25, 2021) – During this pandemic, the Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Kartini" Center Temanggung continues to reach out to people with disabilities in various regions in Indonesia. This time, Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) services were distributed to people with disabilities in North Sumatra Province.


"There are two districts that we are targeting for the distribution of aid, namely Karo District and Humbang Hasundutan," said Head of the "Kartini" Temanggung Center, Juena Sitepu when handing over assistance in Kabanjahe District, Karo Regency, Thursday (24/06).


Juena said that 85 beneficiaries received assistance in Karo Regency. In detail, as many as 30 people who were fostered by the Alpha Omega Social Welfare Institution (LKS) in Kabanjahe District received social assistance of IDR 107 million for entrepreneurship development such as cattle and sheep, making mops, acrylic skills, sewing, and mini agriculture.


Meanwhile, as many as 52 people with disabilities who are beneficiaries of family-based ATENSI services will be provided with entrepreneurship assistance which will be used for business capital raising chickens, goats, keyboard procurement, duck-making businesses, school supplies, necessities, Viar motorbikes, adaptive prosthetic limbs, wheelchairs, and physiotherapy.


Another entrepreneurship assistance was also given to 20 family-based ATENSI beneficiaries in Humbang Hasundutan Regency for IDR 100 million, which will be used for raising chickens, grocery stall businesses, and LPG gas.


"The beneficiaries are based on the results of a needs assessment carried out by social workers in the form of entrepreneurship development," said Juena.


Following the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini, the Ministry of Social Affairs must respond quickly in providing services to the need for Social Welfare Services Recipient (PPKS). The provision of ATENSI services is expected to increase the ability of beneficiaries to meet basic needs and be able to be economically independent.


"This will be achieved if the family and the surrounding community give full support to them," said Juena.


On the same occasion, Commission VIII DPR RI, Rudi Hartono Bangun, who was also present at the event, expressed his appreciation for the ATENSI program at "Kartini" Temanggung Center which is intended for people with physical and intellectual disabilities.

"This assistance is very much needed to support the activities of persons with disabilities so that they can be economically independent," said Rudi.

He hopes that Kartini Center Temanggung will target more people with disabilities outside the LKS and individuals. His party is ready to support programs that focus on meeting the needs of people with disabilities.