REJANG LEBONG, (23 September 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through Social Rehabilitation Center “Dharma Guna” Bengkulu handed over Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) support to 30 people with disabilities spread across Curup Selatan, Curup Timur and Bermani Ulu sub-districts under the guidance of the Amanah Sumbang Asih Foundation (ASA) of Rejang Lebong Regency.


Also present at the handover of aid were Members of Commission VIII of the House of Representative, Muhammad Saleh, Members of the DPRD of Rejang Lebong Regency, Hidayatullah and Wahono, Head of the Social Service of Rejang Lebong Regency, Zulfan Effendi, Head of South Curup Sub-district, Rezza Pakhlevi, Head of Rimbo Recap Village, Ruhiyat, Institution Social Welfare and Social Rehabilitation Facilitator.


Sutrima, as the Chair of the ASA Foundation, reported that this activity was a follow-up to the assessment carried out by the Social Rehabilitation Center “Dharma Guna” team, as many as 30 people, 27 of whom received Vocational Training Assistance and Entrepreneurship Development in the form of Catfish Fishery Business and 3 others received Support for the Fulfillment of Decent Living as basic needs.


"We are grateful to the ASA Foundation who is our partner in carrying out this activity, and this assistance is of course based on the results of an assessment that has been carried out by the Center’s staff," said Dardi


Dardi also explained that the activities carried out by Dharma Guna Center in Rejang Lebong Regency were not only Community-Based ATENSI, but also Family-Based ATENSI with a total amount of 248 Persons with Disabilities in inclusion with a total value of ATENSI program of Rp.371,400,000. - and soon there will be verification, validation, and assessment of Persons with Disabilities fostered by the Bengkulu Branch of the Foundation for the Development of Children with Disabilities as many as 422 people.


"This assistance is very good, but I hope it doesn't just stop here, there must be sustainability and effects for the beneficiaries," explained M. Saleh in his speech.


He also said that working in the social sector is not easy, it requires the cooperation of other pillars to alleviate social problems.


"The distribution of this aid will be carried out symbolically in this place to 10 PMs in South Curup District and we will distribute the goods to the homes of each PM in 3 Subdistricts," explained Sutrimah in her report.


ATENSI support given to 30 PMs who are assisted by the ASA Foundation is expected to be PM's business with family assistance and support that can generate economic value.

Muhammad Saleh also donated catfish seeds for this Community-Based ATENSI activity fostered by the ASA Foundation.