SIAU TIMUR (June 6, 2022) - The Ministry of Social Affairs responded to the case of an 8-year-old child who took care of her family member with a disability in East Siau, Siau Tagulandang Islands, Biaro, North Sulawesi.


Sourced from news in online media, Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini assigned the Manado Tumou Tou Center as a Technical Implementation Unit owned by MoSA to respond to the case.


"The Minister's direction is that we ensure that our people in Siau Tagulandang Biaro Islands can be treated the same way. We will do our best," said the Secretary of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, Ministry of Social Affairs, Salahuddin when met by the media crew.


It is known based on the results of the Tumou Tou Manado Center assessment that this 8-year-old child named Lynsein Manope takes care of her mother, grandmother, and two uncles who have disabilities.


Her mother, Matilda Manope (33 years) has been paralyzed since 7 years ago, after giving birth to Lynsein Manope. Her grandmother, Rokania Daraeng (60 years old) has been bedridden for 12 years because of a nervous disease. Her uncles, Renelson Manope and Renikson Manope (32 years) experienced cramps and stiffness in the hands and feet, so now they have to move on their knees.


The Tumou Tou Manado Center Team made an initial intervention by checking the health of the family members. The results of the health screening stated that the mother and uncle were recommended to undergo further examination and treatment at the Hospital in Manado.


Meanwhile, her grandmother, Rokanisa Daraeng, was recommended to receive treatment at home from the local Public Health Center with monitoring from the Social Office, PKH companions, and TKSK.


Lynsein also received health services in the form of initial medical screening, this was to anticipate children experiencing similar paralysis as members of their families. Its development will also be monitored directly by the Center for Tumou Tou Manado to receive proper health services at the hospital.


In addition to health services, MoSA provides Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) in the form of assistive devices for persons with disabilities, necessities, and household appliances in the form of mattresses, gallons, dispensers, and water reservoirs, stoves, and LPG cylinders.

Salahuddin also said that the response to this case was the government's effort to be closer to the community. Intervention is not only the initial response. The first aid provided was in the form of Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI). This assistance is also integrated with other social assistance at MoSA, such as the Social Rehabilitation for Uninhabitable Houses program (Rutilahu) and the Entrepreneurship Program (Prokus).

MoSA also builds communication with related parties so that the response to this case is the same as the response to cases in other areas. "This is the obligation of MoSA in extending the hand of the state to handle these cases," said Salahuddin.

The response to this case is also in collaboration with the Social Office of North Sulawesi Province and the Social and Health Office of Siau Tagulandang Biaro Regency. Also attending the event was the Regent of Siau Tagulandang Biaro, Deputy of Polsek Head of East Siau, Babinsa, Head of East Siau District, Head of Buise Village, also Head of Satpol PP along with the staff members.