JAKARTA (23 December 2021) - The Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs held a Webinar on Basic Technical Guidance for Social Rehabilitation Assistants with the theme "The Spirit of ATENSI in the Implementation of the UPT Multifunction Multi-Service Policy".


This Technical Guidance aims to increase the understanding of social rehabilitation assistants in implementing the Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) program, to know the duties and functions of implementing multi-service and multifunctional policies of the UPT Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation, to increase the ability in rapid assessments and to disseminate employment social security.


Social Rehabilitation Companions as Frontliners for the implementation of ATENSI must begin to hone their skills in various matters, one of which is a comprehensive assessment, starting to change the service paradigm from fragmentary to multi-functional.


The Minister of Social Affairs Regulation Number 7 of 2021 on Social Rehabilitation Assistance states that ATENSI services are provided based on the principle of multifunctional services, namely ensuring that ATENSI implementation responds to various social problems that require immediate or urgent treatment to be served.


"Social Rehabilitation Companions do not only respond to children's problems, but also the elderly, people with disabilities, victims of drug abuse and persons with social deviance issues and victims of trafficking in persons," said Acting Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat.


He also said that ATENSI services must also be integrated with other Ministry of Social Affairs’ programs. "It is the policy strategy that will lead to the integration of services. I hope that all parties can oversee this change process," he said when opening the Webinar for the Basic Technical Guidance of Social Assistance.


Harry said that social companions do not only respond to individuals, but also families and their environment. "For example, a companion finds a child who has been abandoned by his parents. It's not only his child who is given social services, but also his parents. It could be that based on a comprehensive assessment, his parents are experiencing economic difficulties, so they are forced to neglect," explained Harry.


If they find such conditions, the facilitators need to provide appropriate recommendations, for example accessing them to the Ministry of Social Affairs' program, namely the Entrepreneurship Program so that their parents get out of difficult economic conditions.


Recalling the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini that the Ministry of Social Affairs must act. It's not limited to changing attitudes, but making sure they can increase productivity and realize prosperity independently.

Several speakers of the Webinar also complemented the statement of the Acting Director General of Social Rehabilitation. "The role of the Technical Implementing Unit (UPT) is not only to provide assistive devices such as wheelchairs but also to adapt to the uniqueness of each person with a disability. So a comprehensive assessment is very important," explained Eva Rahmi Kasim, Director of Social Rehabilitation for Persons with Disabilities.

Data collection is also a keyword, we need disaggregated data for persons with disabilities to provide integrated services. The companions are expected to be able to carry out the data collection.

Andi Hanindito, Director of Social Rehabilitation for the Elderly also added that the handling of the elderly and other clusters must be professional, especially those related to human resources, institutions, programs, and activities as well as budgets.

Kanya Eka Santi, Director of Children's Social Rehabilitation, said that it is necessary to ensure that the facilitators also provide multi-service. Social rehabilitation companions must also be skilled in networking, to be able to handle social problems with related parties.

This is because the categories of children requiring special protection are intersected with other clusters, for example, children with HIV/AIDS, Children Victims of Drug Abuse, children with disabilities to children victims of trafficking in persons.

ATENSI's multi-function service must be implemented by accessing beneficiary families with priority programs in Indonesia.

Harry ordered to ensure the handling is carried out comprehensively. "Make sure they get empowerment assistance, for example from the Entrepreneurship Program (Prokus), the Family Hope Program (PKH), and other cross-ministerial/institutional programs," he concluded.

This webinar was attended by more than 2,000 virtual participants consisting of Social Workers, Social Counselors, and Social Companions.