SERANG (MARCH 25, 2023) - The Ministry of Social Affairs continues to play a role in providing assistance and social rehabilitation to victims of rape, especially minors. Such as in the case of the rape of a 14-year-old child in Serang Regency, Banten, which was carried out by her own biological father.
At the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini through "Galih Pakuan" Center in Bogor, a team was immediately sent to provide companion and assistance to the victim and the victim's family.
"Social Affairs Minister Risma gave directions to accompany victim S during physical and psychological examinations. In addition, we also provide various ATENSI assistance to the victim and the victim's family," said the Head of the Bogor "Galih Pakuan" Center, Siti Sari Rumayanti.
This action was perpetrated by J (42) since Victim S (14) was still in 6th grade of elementary school. The case was revealed after S finally dared to tell her family about her father's mistreatment.
To ensure that the legal process runs as fairly as possible, the Ministry of Social Affairs has coordinated with the Cilegon City Police and the Cilegon City District Attorney's Office. The perpetrator is threatened with a maximum of 15 years in prison and a minimum of 5 years. Because the suspect is the victim's parent, the threat of a sentence of more than 20 years in prison is added.
In addition to providing legal assistance, the Ministry of Social Affairs also accompanied the victim to undergo a health test and a psychological test. From the results of the health test, S was declared physically healthy.
From the results of the psychological test, S is suspected of having the potential for not understanding the indecent behavior committed by her father because it has been done since S was in the 6th grade of elementary school. Thus, she did not have the ability or courage to fight back her father for approximately 3 years.
However, the test results stated that there are norms that are still believed that this is not justified, and S realizes herself as a victim with indications of feelings of shame and regret. The psychiatrist who tested S also indicated that S was depressed about the incident.
In addition to undergoing treatment, the Ministry of Social Affairs also provided hypnotherapy to S. "After undergoing hypnotherapy, S looked more confident, happier, more enthusiastic, more courageous in speaking frankly and honestly, and increasingly loving his mother and family," said Siti Sari.
Ministry of Social Affairs also provided ATENSI assistance to S and his family i.e. basic food packages, additional nutritional packages, personal hygiene equipment, prayer tools, school supplies, and household equipment. Before this case occurred, the victim's mother was a seller of basreng (fried meatball) and seblak (wet crackers with protein sources). However, after this case occurred, the victim's mother quit her business.
To support the victim's mother in fulfilling her family's basic needs, Ministry of Social Affairs provided entrepreneurship assistance i.e. a 2-burner stove, gas cylinder, regulator, blender, magic roaster, bottles of sauce-ketchup-mayonnaise, frying pan, kettle, ladle, various flavored drinks in cups, meatballs, sausages, sauce, soy sauce, mayonnaise, etc. Through the Directorate of Remote Indigenous Communities, the victim's mother was also given the laying hen assistance. The victim's mother has also been registered in the Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS) and has been registered as a beneficiary of Family Hope Program (PKH), Non-Cash Food Assistance Program (BPNT), and Beneficiaries of Health Insurance Assistance (BPJS-PBI).
To the victim's grandmother who is still productive, the Ministry of Social Affairs also provides clothing, prayer tools, and entrepreneurship assistance i.e. cooking oil, wheat flour, frying pans, ladles, gas stoves, and regulators.
"For the victim's family, Ministry of Social Affairs provides entrepreneurship assistance to the victim's mother and grandmother who are still productive. Because from the victim's mother, they want to continue their lives, be more independent, and better," said Siti Sari.
In the next step, Ministry of Social Affairs will continue to accompany the victim psychologically until her condition recovers. Ministry of Social Affairs also continues to monitor and oversee the development of the legal process for the perpetrator until it is complete. Coordination was also carried out with the Serang Regency Education Office, Mancak sub-district, and took care of the transfer of S and her younger siblings' schools so that they feel safe and comfortable in the new environment.
Public Relations Bureau
Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia