(July 22, 2021) - Incheon's strategy
was developed based on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities (CRPD) to create an inclusive, unhindered, and rights-based
society for Persons with Disabilities in Asia and the Pacific.
The Ministry of Social Affairs through the
Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation held a National Coordination Team
Meeting on Efforts to Respect, Protect and Fulfill the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities with the main discussion being the Asia Pacific Decade
Implementation Data Matrix for Persons with Disabilities 2013-2022.
The Director General of Social Rehabilitation,
Harry Hikmat conveyed ten goals to realize the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities in the Asia Pacific, namely: first, poverty reduction, increasing
employment opportunities with three targets, one of which is tackling extreme
poverty with the main indicator being the proportion of people with
disabilities living below the international poverty line which is under US$
1.25 per day.
"Second, promoting participation in the
political process and in decision-making with 2 targets, one indicator of which
is the proportion of persons with disabilities who become representatives in
parliament. Third, increasing access to the physical environment, public
transportation, knowledge, information, and communication, there are several
targets with one of the indicators to improve the accessibility of the physical
environment, the fourth objective is to strengthen social protection, and
fifth, the expansion of early intervention and education for children with
"The next goals are sixth, ensuring gender
equality and empowering women, seventh, ensuring disability-inclusive disaster
risk reduction management, eighth improvement of accurate and comparable
data/statistics of persons with disabilities, ninth acceleration of CRPD
ratification and implementation and promoting sub-regional cooperation,
regional, and intraregional," explained Harry.
"Ideally we should have a report every
year by monitoring the achievement of these ten goals. I am optimistic that we
can formulate it well through a country report for the implementation of the
CRPD. We will even immediately prepare an international conference initiated by
UNESCAP where Indonesia is committed to being the host. We can show that the
progress that has been achieved, the challenges faced, the efforts made in
facing the challenges, and support from various parties so that Indonesia does
not leave behind in efforts to respect, protect and fulfill the rights of
persons with disabilities," said Harry.
In this meeting, Dicky
Komar, Directorate of Human Rights and Humanity at the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs explained the role of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in International
Cooperation related to the Protection, Fulfillment, and Promotion of the Rights
of Persons with Disabilities.
The Incheon Strategy is the document resulting from the UNESCAP meeting. The commitment of the Indonesian
government to encourage the involvement of representatives of the Indonesian
persons with disabilities at the international level is shown, among other
things, through the government's support for the nomination of activists on the
issue of the rights of persons with disabilities, Ms. Risnawati Utama as a
member of the Committee for the Protection of the Rights of Persons with
Disabilities for the 2019-2022 period. This is a clear example in the executive
field to participate in decision-making.
"The Ministry of
Foreign Affairs as a member of the secretariat with RANHAM always oversees the
issue of fulfilling disability rights in RANHAM. Furthermore, the role of the
Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to increase sub-regional, regional and
intra-regional cooperation for the achievement of the Incheon Strategy. ASEAN Cooperation,
ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) in 2017, Indonesia has hosted the ASEM Annual Human
Rights Training".
The Way Forward proposal in
collecting data from the CRPD Indonesia report to encourage the alignment of
reporting by the Indonesian government, the involvement of the secretariat with
the RANHAM to the implementation of the RANHAM 2021 – 2025, and the
involvement of civil society organizations for inclusiveness.
Furthermore, the responder
to the matrix was Bappenas, which was attended by Maliki. "Regarding
poverty, the results of the cabinet meeting are trying to achieve extreme
"Extreme poverty in
the total population must be 0, in principle, both persons with disabilities or
non-disabled persons can be 0. The target is 2022, the progress will be
checked," said Maliki.
Strengthening social
protection by developing special schemes including the Family Hope Program
(PKH) scheme that the expansion of social assistance also includes persons with
disabilities. The paradigm must be changed for people with disabilities. Change
from the social sector to multi-sector.
"The National Action
Plan (RAN) for Persons with Disabilities that has been determined by the
Minister of National Development Planning, one of which is the synchronization
of budget statements from each K/L and province.
In PP No. 70 of 2019 for
planning and development are inclusive of persons with disabilities. One example
for poverty is closely related to macro data collection at BPS and by name by
address data collection at the Ministry of Social Affairs, the indicators of
which are increasing empowerment and independence," said Maliki.
The Ministry of Transportation's
commitment to disability services in this meeting was conveyed by Kodri.
"The Ministry of Transportation already has several regulations and also dissemination,
workshops on how to provide services to people with disabilities and
inclusively. The Ministry of Transportation has also signed a commitment to
provide services to people with disabilities," explained Kodri.
Darmayanti, Directorate of
Family Health at the Ministry of Health revealed that the Ministry of Health
has made reproductive health services for adults with disabilities and made
short videos for health workers on how to provide health services for people
with disabilities and has been socialized throughout Indonesia.
"The deputy for human
resource development who facilitates activities for persons with disabilities
fosters MSME actors based on their criteria or business scale. The data
obtained needs to be coordinated with the HR development department in each deputy
and coordinate with the agency that handles cooperatives and SMEs,"
explained Dwi Andriani from the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs.
On this occasion, Syafrudin
from the PANRB Ministry said that all public services have the same rights,
including persons with disabilities. Starting from 2015 until now, several
ministries/agencies, provincial and district/city governments have evaluated
the development and monitoring of several ministries/institutions.
"The evaluation
instrument contains public availability facilities for people with special
needs, one of them is persons with disabilities. Currently using a role model,
namely focusing on Samsat, One-Stop Services (PTSP), and Regional General
Hospitals (RSUD). Disdukcapil, RSUD and PTSP," said Syafrudin.
The PANRB Ministry in 2020
issued a circular letter from all public services to provide friendly
facilities for people with special needs. Public services as an effort to
encourage access for persons with disabilities have become part of the
commitment in the Public Service Law.
The PANRB Ministry in 2021
will increase the locus of evaluation of public services, by increasing the
number of Ministries or increasing the number of services and coordinating with
PUPR is related to access to public services for users.
Esthi Dwityanti, Ministry
of PUPR explained the standard of convenience for people with disabilities that
had been implemented. Every state-building has technical and service managers
who want to renovate the building, there must be a standard of convenience.
Furthermore, Hardi from the
Ministry of Manpower stated related to the fulfillment of the rights of persons
with disabilities in the field of employment. "The Ministry of Manpower
advances disability inclusion training in the preparation of inclusion
guidelines that can be adopted for the business world such as APINDO. Inclusive
training in the vocational field is to develop and revise competency-based
training guidelines that are inclusive for persons with disabilities,"
said Hardi.
Placement of workers with
disabilities from formal and informal schemes, focusing on developing and
administering disability units by expanding access and services at the manpower
office and providing business facilities assistance.
This activity was attended
by all ministries/institutions that play an active role in providing advice and
input on the Incheon Strategy Matrix in efforts to respect, protect and fulfill
the rights of persons with disabilities in Indonesia.