JAKARTA (August 7, 2021) - The Ministry of Social
Affairs through Social Rehabilitation Center "Mulya Jaya" Jakarta
responded to the case of a child with a leaky heart, heart-swelling, and
narrowing of blood vessels in the Pegangsaan Village, Menteng District, Central
Jakarta. The response to this case is the direct direction of the Minister of
Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini and the Director General of Social
Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat to immediately follow up and provide assistance
according to the reported needs.
Hendra from Riau Province
came to Jakarta with his wife and daughter aged 2 years and 8 months who had
heart disease. The purpose of their arrival was because of a referral from Eka
Hospital Pekanbaru, which required that their child receive further services at
Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) Jakarta.
Since the beginning of
last May, Hendra, who works as a freelance daily worker in his native area, has
started an outpatient health service at RSCM Jakarta. Had lived in a boarding
house in Bilangan Kampung Rawa, Johar Baru, but soon moved to a boarding house
in Pegangsaan Village.
"I moved here
because this boarding house is close to the Hospital, so I can take my child
for control on foot so there is no need for additional costs for the
fare," said Hendra.
Currently, Hendra and his
wife are just waiting for their son's surgery schedule, which has not yet been
determined by the hospital.
"He said we were told
to wait for another 7 to 12 weeks, ma'am, but we don't know for sure. Meanwhile, we
don't have any jobs or additional income here and money," explained
Similarly, Sukmin who
works as a fisherman and his wife from the Riau Islands Province who currently
has a child aged 1 year 2 months also came to Jakarta based on a referral from
the Awal Bross Batam Hospital to get treatment at the RSCM. With a very weak
condition, the child can only drink breast milk (ASI) and formula milk through
the help of a tube that is attached to his nose.