BEKASI (11 August 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs responded to public complaints about children who had tooth and gum pain which caused swelling on the right cheek. This child with the initials MYN (9 years old) has been sick since May 2021.


Starting from MYN's neighbor report to the Social Welfare Institution (LKS) ERBE about MYN's condition, LKS ERBE immediately coordinated with the Ministry of Social Affairs to carry out an emergency response to MYN.


Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini directed her staff to respond quickly to this public complaint. Budhi Dharma Bekasi, Pangudi Luhur Bekasi and Handayani Jakarta belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs dispatched Nurses, Social Workers, and Social Counselors to conduct initial assessments at the MYN residence in Aren Jaya, East Bekasi.


"Based on the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Social Affairs sent a team to meet the basic needs of children, because MYN's health is currently, a basic need is an emergency. So the state must be present to fulfill children's rights by accessing health services and other services," said Hasrifah Musa, Head of Jakarta Handayani Center.


From the initial assessment, information was obtained that MYN had a toothache in May 2021 because his teeth were about to fall out. But it hasn't come out yet, his new teeth have started to grow. Since then, MYN has complained of toothache and swollen gums.


One month later, MYN complained of being tired and unable to walk until now. MYN also had a high fever. After being taken to the nearest health service, MYN did not recover, in fact, his condition was getting worse, such as a distended stomach, swollen legs, a hot body and a lump appeared on his chest.


The Ministry of Social Affairs coordinates with the Social Service and Health Office so that they can get referrals for MYN to be handled at the Chasbullah Abdulmadjid General Hospital (RSUD) Bekasi City. Before being taken away, MYN first conducted an Antigen Swab test at his residence which was facilitated by the Ministry of Social Affairs.


The initial diagnosis of the Chasbullah Abdulmadjid Hospital in Bekasi City was inflammation of the mouth and gums (Gingivitis). The results of the diagnosis developed and MYN was declared suspect facial cancer. X-rays are currently being done. Next, a CT scan of the head, chest, and abdomen will be performed.

The Ministry of Social Affairs has prepared an ambulance facility to take MYN to the Chasbullah Abdulmadjid Hospital in Bekasi. In addition, the Ministry of Social Affairs also provides nutritional assistance such as milk, biscuits, vitamins, fruits, diapers, and other cleaning tools for MYN and their parents while in hospital.

"Alhamdulillah, it didn't take long, the Ministry of Social Affairs’ response was very fast. So it was handled immediately. We believe that MYN's illness needs immediate treatment, so I immediately coordinated with the Ministry of Social Affairs", said Abdul Rohim, Head of LKS ERBE.

The current financing is borne by the Regional Health Insurance after receiving a recommendation as an LKS was fostered. The Ministry of Social Affairs helps provide recommendations to the Health Service and Social Service because it is in the work area of ​​Bekasi City.

Juhari, MYN's mother, said that so far she had experienced economic difficulties to be able to take MYN to a dental specialist at a health facility. Moreover, she is a transfer from Aceh Province and is still taking care of a transfer letter so that her population data is recorded in the city of Bekasi.

The Ministry of Social Affairs in collaboration with the District Social Welfare Workers (TKSK) in the Bekasi area also accessed population data collection for Juhari. This is so that the data can be included in the Integrated Social Welfare Data (DTKS) and can be accessed by other government programs.

Mawi, the father of MYN is also currently only a casual worker. Since the Covid-19 pandemic entered Indonesia, he no longer works as a truck driver. After that, the economic condition worsened.

"I thank the Ministry of Social Affairs for helping me. I only hope that my child can recover, can be cheerful as before," said Juhari.

Currently, MYN has been handled by the Chasbullah Abdulmadjid Regional Hospital in Bekasi. The Ministry of Social Affairs will continue to assist MYN and his parent.