JAKARTA (5 July 2021) - The Ministry of Social Affairs continues to make efforts to handle vulnerable groups during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as persons with disabilities and the elderly. This handling is carried out based on respect, protection, and fulfillment of the rights of the Persons Needing Social Welfare Service (PPKS) program.


In a Webinar organized by Komnas Perempuan with the theme 'Leaving No One Behind: COVID-19 Responses for Women with Disabilities and Elderly Indonesia', the Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs, Harry Hikmat said that currently handling vulnerable groups can be carried out by all Technical Implementing Units (UPT) belongs to the Ministry of Social Affairs.


"The Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, has directed that 41 UPT Social Rehabilitation must provide multi-functional services, namely responding to various problems of children, persons with disabilities, the elderly, victims of drug abuse as well as persons with social deviance issues and victims of trafficking in persons," said Harry.


In addition, social rehabilitation efforts are not only limited to changing attitudes and behavior but also empowering and providing access to various other government programs.


Persons with disabilities and the elderly are vulnerable groups who find it difficult to access population data recording facilities. Therefore, the Ministry of Social Affairs provides access to population data recording facilities in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs in January and February 2021.


This population data is a basic right that is very important for vulnerable groups, because various government programs can be accessed if they already have population data, one of which is the Population Identification Number.


"With the NIK, they can enter the Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS) and they can get access to Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) services, BST, PKH, BPNT, and even programs from other Ministries/Institutions," said Harry.


The Ministry of Social Affairs also makes planning and budgeting policies for the need for Persons Needing Social Welfare Services (PPKS) and vulnerable groups in dealing with COVID-19, namely expanding the distribution of ATENSI assistance, empowerment through the ATENSI Creation Center as a PPKS business forum, capacity building for social rehabilitation companions, capacity building for community health centers. The Social Rehabilitation Center in preparing self-isolation shelters equipped with health services and basic needs and increasing the provision of personal protective equipment such as masks, hand sanitizers, and disinfectants.

Another commitment of the Ministry of Social Affairs is to open access for persons with disabilities to vaccines. This was carried out in May 2021 at Istora Senayan in collaboration with the Ministry of Health.

Empowerment is also carried out by the Ministry of Social Affairs, one of which involves people with disabilities in assembling three-wheeled motorcycles for businesses for people with disabilities, for example at the "Prof. Dr. Soeharso" Surakarta Center. Of course, by implementing health protocols in assembly activities.

The standard of self-isolation is also prepared by 41 Social Rehabilitation Centers belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs. This self-isolation room can be used for vulnerable groups and people in need.

The Ministry of Social Affairs has also made guidelines for assistants in protecting persons with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. "We should be sensitive to various types of disabilities, ranging from physical, intellectual, mental, sensory disabilities to multiple disabilities. Each has different needs," said Harry.

For the elderly, home care service efforts are needed. The Ministry of Social Affairs will also activate Posyandu for the elderly is an integrated activity carried out to improve social welfare for the elderly, including activities to maintain and/or improve physical, mental, psychological, and social quality.