MAKASSAR (April 6, 2021) - The Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs' Pangurangi Center conducted a collaborative partnership with three activist institutions for people engaged in HIV/AIDS management programs and the Counselor Association in South Sulawesi Province, Tuesday 06/04 at the Swissbellin Hotel Makassar.
The three institutions were the Peer Support Group Care Foundation (YPKDS) which was attended by its chairman, Rachman Rahim, the Gaya Celebes Foundation (YGC) attended by the Director of YGC, Akbar Halim, and the South Sulawesi VCT HIV Counselors Association (PKVHI) attended by Rahmanur Syam as chairman.
The signatories of this partnership cooperation with each institution are committed to implementing the Ministry of Social Affairs programs namely ATENSI to social rehabilitation services where the "Pangurangi" Center is the center of this ATENSI service.
The Head of the Center, Pengalamen Surbakti in conveying the direction of the Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia that the function of the centers belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia is to be able to work together with Social Service Agency (LKS) and community organizations and other professional institutions. Moreover, in the future, the function of the Ministry of Social Affairs' centers will become multi-service for all social welfare beneficiaries.
Head of YPKDS, Rachman Rahim said he was ready to cooperate with the Workshop, added Rachman that government programs for PLHIV have so far been minimal, "Even though PLWHA are included as beneficiaries who need to be given more attention," he continued.
The same thing was said by the Director of YGC, Akbar Halim, the government must synergize in providing services to PLWHA, not only between agencies but with community institutions because community institutions directly come into contact with PLWHA. Akbar added, "Try asking the relevant offices if they have valid data on PLHIV, for sure they will contact us to request that data."
"By signing this partnership agreement, the Pangurangi Center is committed to making the attention of PLWHA rehabilitation services unified and integrated," concluded the Head of the Center.
Humas Loka Karya Pangurangi Makasar
Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N