JAKARTA (February 19th 2020) - The Social Welfare Study Program of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta (UMJ) this year will hold The 2nd International Conference on Social Work with the theme A Catalys for Change on Social Cohesion in Diverse Society which consists of International Seminar on Social Workers and Social Visit which will be held on February 29th, 2020 to March 1st, 2020.


Today in the meeting room aims to prepare for this activity which was attended by the person in charge of organizing the activity, namely Rahma and Prof. Adi Fahrudin from UMJ.


During the social visit, BRS Watunas "Mulya Jaya" in Jakarta was chosen by UMJ as the location of activities to get to know and understand information on further social rehabilitation services to former Tuna Susila Women, Citizens of Migrant Victims of Violence, and Women Victims of Violence.


"We at UMJ have carried out this activity last year and this is the second year of organizing the activity. Previously we carried out a social visit to PSBL Sentosa, an orphanage owned by DKI Jakarta, then in this good opportunity this hall was our choice. The participants of the activity were very interested in knowing more about This hall is related to social rehabilitation services, "said Adi Fahrudin.


The plan for this activity was very welcomed by BRS Watunas "Mulya Jaya" in Jakarta who in the preparation meeting for this activity was immediately chaired by a Head of Center, Juena Br Sitepu.


"We are grateful, sir, for making our hall a social visit location for this international social workers conference. This is a good opportunity for us to be able to socialize the hall services more broadly," Juena welcomed.


This activity will be attended by Social Workers from various countries including America, Germany, India, Bangladesh, Philippines, Japan, Vietnam, Ireland, Thailand, and Social Welfare Study Programs from various universities in Indonesia totaling 75 participants.


Hopefully that through this meeting, the implementation of activities will run smoothly and be useful for participants for knowledge, insight, and experience in the field of Social Welfare, especially in handling ex-prostitutes, migrant citizens who are victims of violence, and women victims of violence.