BEKASI (May 1st, 2020) - “Mulya Jaya” Center distributed bussiness capital aid to one of the Beneficiaries (PM) with the initials “K” from Bekasi. K has finished undergoing social rehabilitation in the center and the family has terminated the service contract at the end of March 2020.

The Social Worker who is in charge of the distribution, Aida Fitriani, coordinated with the Head of Section for Persons with Social Deviance Issues of Social Office Bekasi, Titin Supriyatin.

Titin expressed her gratitude to “Mulya Jaya” Center for providing business capital aid for one of her residents who is going through economic difficulties because of COVID-19.

“We express our sincere gratitude to the Ministry of Social Affairs, in this case “Mulya Jaya” Center, who has provided social aid to one of our residents. In the next future, we will monitor K’s business. Hopefully his business will develop.

K is one of the PM victims of human trafficking (KPO). She was the victim of a pimp who promised her a job, but in reality she was sexually exploited. Being a KPO, K experienced psychological trauma, sadness, hopelessness, and lost confidence. However, after undergoing a social rehabilitation program at “Mulya Jaya” Center, her trauma condition began to disappear. Now she feels optimistic and confident to continue with her life.

After that, K submitted a proposal for social aid for the business capital of Warung Sembako for Rp5,000,000. She immidiately spent the aid according to the detailed needs presented in the proposal. These needs consists of rice, sugar, oil, egg, soap, shampoo, mineral water, coffee, cigarettes, flavorings, salt, etc. for Warung Sembako business.

At K’s house, Aida conducted socialization on the prevention of COVID-19 to her family. K must still follow health protocols in her business such as always maintaining cleanliness, washing hands or using hand sanitizer, keeping her distance from customers and wearing masks.

K and her family welcomed the distribution of business capital aid in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“This is like being given water when we are thirsty, ma’am. Want to start a business but there is no capital, want to work, but companies are cutting down the number of their employees. Alhamdulillah, this can make a living, especially basic food business is really needed by the residents and it is also allowed by the government,” said K.

By distributing social aid for this business capital, hopefully it can be a good first step for K in starting her own business and new life so that it can upgrade her family’s economy