JAKARTA (January 12, 2021) - Last Saturday (9/1) the Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 plane was reported to have lost contact. After various search efforts, the plane crashed in the waters of Kepulauan Seribu. This news conveys deep sorrow, especially for the bereaved families.

"Mulya Jaya" Training Center inJakarta, which is one of the Technical Implementation Units of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation at the Ministry of Social Affairs, immediately dispatched a team of Social Workers tasked with providing Psychosocial Support Services (LDP) for the families of Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 victims. This LDP distribution has been taking place since 10/1 ago in collaboration with the "Handayani" Children's Center team, the Directorate of Social Protection for Social Disaster Victims (PSKBS), and the Disaster Preparedness Cadets (TAGANA) at the Ministry of Social Affairs' post at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital.

Dwi Ana Sofianti, one of the Social Workers of "Mulya Jaya" Training Center in Jakarta accompanied and provided reinforcement for one of the victims' families, namely the wife of Capt. Afwan who is the pilot of Sriwijaya Air-182.

"I am very sad, I really miss his figure, maam, he is humorous and pious," said Capt. Afwan's wife.

With the condition of the victim's family who are still very grieving and need special services, Social Workers refer to the Psychologist services at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital post so that they can be handled psychologically.

In addition to providing reinforcement and support, the Social Work Team of "Mulya Jaya" Training Center in Jakarta also helped distribute food to the families of the victims and updated the progress of information on victim data. This LDP activity will continue to be carried out during the emergency response period after the Sriwijaya Air SJ-182 crash.