BEKASI (April 1, 2021) - In the context of implementing the community-based Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) program, the "Mulya Jaya" Training Center in Jakarta which is one of the Ministry of Social Affairs' Technical Implementation Units organizes Technical Guidance for Social Welfare Institutions (LKS) which are partners it works.
Community-based ATENSI is one of the basic approaches to providing services to Beneficiaries (PM) if it cannot be handled within the family or it is not possible to get residential services so that in its application, "Mulya Jaya" Training Center collaborates with LKS to take part in the role as a companion to the Beneficiary in the community.
The Director General of Social Rehabilitation, Harry Hikmat in his direction through a virtual meeting explained that the ATENSI program is contained in the Minister of Social Affairs Regulation Number 16 of 2020 and is followed up through the Director General's Regulation concerning ATENSI Guidelines.
"Following the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs, in providing services to PMs we should not only focus on social rehabilitation, but we must ensure that they have access to jobs, both existing jobs and those that we create ourselves. There is no guarantee for PMs to earn economic income independently so they can, the PM returned to their previous world. Therefore, to give hope for their future so that they can avoid the mafias that make them come back, there needs to be a partnership with LKS," explained Harry.
"The 2021 ATENSI Program has been regulated in Permensos Number 16 of 2020 which includes the duties and functions of Mulya Jaya Training Center. We need to adjust this center, which was previously called the Social Rehabilitation Center for Ex-Women with Social Deviance Issues (WTS) Mulya Jaya as the name does not fulfill the rights of WTS due to a stigma, so by the principles in the Minister of Social Affairs relating to the Human Rights approach, the name of this center becomes Mulya Jaya Training Center in Jakarta," he added.
In his direction, Harry also explained the seven components of ATENSI which consist of support for meeting the needs of a decent life, social care and/or child care, family support, physical, psychosocial, and mental spiritual therapy, vocational training, and/or entrepreneurship coaching, social assistance, and social assistance, as well as accessibility support.
"LKS provide clear evidence that they have carried out an assessment, instruments, and then conduct a case conference. The three basic approaches are family-based care, community-based care, and residential-based care for PM depending on the results of the assessment and case conference. Make sure the PM is live independently, that's our passion with ATENSI," Harry said to the participants.
Apart from that, the Director of Social Rehabilitation for the Socially Disadvantaged and Trafficking Victims, Waskito Budi Kusumo, was also present at this activity through a virtual meeting. Waskito expressed his pleasure and pride at having this extraordinary meeting because the Balai and LKS could work together as well as possible to provide services for PM.
"In this case, our target is violence, and human trafficking, we explore where the problems are. Certainly, with different characteristics of the problems, the handling is also different. I am also happy and proud of my friends, in principle, I fully support the implementation of this activity so we can collaborate in alleviating various PPKS problems," said Budi.
The Head of the Center, Ai Herliyah also said that by carrying out Technical Guidance activities and signing this collaboration agreement, the Balai and LKS can carry out a joint commitment.
"Bismillah ladies and gentlemen. Hopefully, with this signing we can work together well, and be able to provide the best service for our PM together according to their needs, potential, and opportunities," said Ai.
Not only equipped with basic material on ATENSI, but in this technical guidance participants were also given the material on accountability for accountability reporting of funds submitted to the community through the ATENSI program by the Inspectorate Auditor for Social Rehabilitation, Deby.
"Accountability is a form of accountability for a person to a party who has the right or authority to request information on performance or actions in carrying out activities including accountability for the management of entrusted money. This is regulated in Minister of Finance Regulation Number PMK.228/PMK.05/2016 concerning Shopping for Social Assistance," explained Deby.
After being given this material, it is hoped that each LKS can provide an accountability report that is truly accountable and follows applicable regulations.
After being provided with various materials, a cooperation agreement was signed between the "Mulya Jaya" Training Center and the chairman of the LKS as a form of synergy and mutual commitment. This activity lasted for three days from March 30 to April 1 at the Aston Imperial Bekasi Hotel, which was attended by 50 participants in person and 40 participants through a virtual meeting. Participants consisted of LKS Yakenas Madani Serang, LKA Bina Wanita Bahagia Serang, LKS Sakura Bogor, LKS Resik Subang, LKS Kusuma Bongas Indramayu, LKS Bapel Gold Indramayu, LKS Mawar Persada Majalengka, LKS Mawar Balqis Cirebon, LKS Banati Cirebon, LKS Rodiyah Kediri, and LKS Sumur Nganjuk.
To provide an overview of job creation for PM, after the event the participants were invited to see the ATENSI Creation Center in the "Pangudi Luhur" Training Center in Bekasi. The participants also did not miss tasting a variety of culinary delights and buying souvenirs from the gallery.