DELI SERDANG (29 May 2020) - The "Bahagia" Center for Social Rehabilitation of People With HIV (BRSODH) in Medan is again distributing fast food aid to residents of Namo Bintang Village, Pancur Batu District, Deli Serdang Regency. The assistance was handed over directly by the Head of the Advocacy Section, Sinarta along with the team to Namo Bintang residents who were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Head of hall, Sri Wibowo explained that Namo Bintang Village is one of the target groups of the “Bahagia” Center Public Kitchen Program. This is because Namo Bintang Village is a Balai Bahagia Assisted Village as an Inclusive Village for People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHA), and some of its residents who have been affected by COVID-19 include PLWHA.

"Namo Bintang Village is a fostered village as an inclusive village or PLWHA friendly village, so we need to attend and pay attention to Namo Bintang residents who are affected by COvid-19, especially PLWHA," said Wibowo.

Previously, the Bahagia Hall had handed over 75 (seventy five) packages of ready-to-eat food to the residents of Namo Bintang Village on Wednesday (20/05).

"This is the second time for the handover of public kitchen assistance in Namo Bintang, the first is Wednesday, May 20, 2020," explained Wibowo.

"The first stage and the second stage are each 75 (seventy five) packages, so a total of 150 (one hundred and fifty) packages," he added.

On behalf of the village administration, Ridwan expressed his gratitude to the officer who gave the Bahagia Hall for caring the residents affected by COVID-19.

"We, from the village side, are very grateful, because our community has greatly helped us for this assistance," said Ridwan.