GOWA (4 June 2020) - The Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Gau Mabaji" Elderly Social Rehabilitation Center (BRSLU) distributed Social Assistance in the form of 600 basic food packages.

The basic food assistance is obtained through the results of refocusing the budget from each Technical Implementing Unit (UPT) within the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation. There are 41 UPTs scattered throughout Indonesia that also participate in distributing the social assistance package.

Considering that the curve and cases of the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak that have not ended, this has an impact on limited air transportation, so the distribution of basic food assistance is channeled through 15 Elderly Social Welfare Institutions (LKS-LU) in the Provinces of South Sulawesi and West Sulawesi.

The symbolization of the distribution of social assistance was carried out at the Social Service Office of Gowa Regency, as the domicile location for the "Gau Mabaji" Elderly Center. The social assistance launching activity was attended by the Regional Secretary of Gowa Regency, the Head of the Gowa Regency Social Service, the LKS-LU Representative, and the Head of the Center, Syam Wuryani who symbolically handed over basic food packages to LKS representatives in the Gowa Regency area of ​​South Sulawesi Province.

In her remarks, Yani conveying that a total of 600 recipients of this assistance will receive basic food assistance package worth Rp300.000.

"The details of the basic food assistance package contain rice, special milk for the elderly, cooking oil, instant noodles, sardines, immune-boosting drinks, bath soap, and laundry soap," she added.

The provision of basic food assistance is given to groups that have not received other social assistance, such as the Family Hope Program (PKH), Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT), Cash Social Assistance (BST), and Regular Social Assistance of the Social Rehabilitation Program.

The Regional Secretary of Gowa Regency, Muchlis, expressed his gratitude to the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and the Gau Mabaji Elderly Center in Gowa for giving their attention to the elderly in Gowa Regency.

"We represent the Regional Government of Gowa Regency to express our deepest gratitude to the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Elderly Center for giving more attention to the elderly in our area," Muchlis said.

The distribution of basic food assistance is represented by one of the LKS-LU in Gowa Regency, namely LKS-LU Wahyu Mandiri in Gowa, which received 39 food packages.

Hardin, Head of LKS-LU Wahyu Mandiri Gowa, said that the LKS has received PROGRES-LU and Basic Food Assistance for the elderly until now.

"I am very grateful to the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs through the "Gau Mabaji" Elderly Center for giving attention to the elderly at LKS-LU Wahyu Mandiri Gowa so that we have received PROGRES-LU assistance, and our elderly who have not received PROGRES-LU assistance can be given this basic food assistance," said Hardin.

This basic food assistance is also a form of attention from the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs as a social safety net to prepare the elderly in facing the post-pandemic era, namely the New Normal era.

Besides the basic needs, the basic food package also contains additional nutrients and supplements. This component is expected to be able to increase the immunity of the elderly in facing situations like this, so that in the future the basic food assistance will run smoothly and the elderly are ready to face the New Normal era.