SIGI (June 28, 2021) - Palu Nipotowe Center is ready to take steps to anticipate the increasing spike in COVID-19 cases, especially in office clusters recently. In accordance with the direction of the Minister of Social Affairs, Tri Rismaharini, who instructed to carry out rapid antigen tests for all State Civil Apparatus (ASN), Non-Civil Servant Government Employees (PPNPN), and traders within the Ministry of Social Affairs simultaneously, including at 41 Social Rehabilitation Centers spread throughout Indonesia.
Social Affairs Minister Risma stated that rapid antigen tests need to be carried out to anticipate the spread of COVID-19 in office clusters where cases are increasing. Not only that, Risma also instructed 41 Social Rehabilitation Centers/Lokas as Technical Implementation Units (UPT) belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs to prepare special places to undergo isolation for COVID-19 sufferers and provide shelter for children whose parents were exposed to COVID-19.
Head of Nipotowe Center, Palu, Syaiful Samad, said that until now ASN, PPNPN, and Beneficiaries at Nipotowe Center have routinely undergone rapid antigen tests and were declared negative based on the examination on Monday morning (28/06/21).
"All beneficiaries who enter the Center must first undergo a rapid antigen test, as do employees who will carry out official duties," said Syaiful Samad. He appealed to all employees and beneficiaries not to be careless in implementing health protocols even though the spike in COVID-19 cases in the Sigi area was not the same as what happened on Java Island.
"We still need to take precautions and cannot be taken lightly, this is for our collective health," Syaiful Samad advised all his staff. According to Syaiful, apart from routine checks, Nipotowe Center also distributed 1 box of masks, 1 hand sanitizer, and vitamins.
"Nipotowe" Center Ready to Anticipate the Spike of COVID-19
Humas Balai Nipotowo Palu
Annisa YH
Intan Qonita N