IDI RAYEUK (February 1, 2023) - Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini paid a working visit to Seneubok Simpang Village, Darul Aman District, East Aceh Regency, Aceh Province. Together with Kompas Humanitarian Fund Foundation and, the Minister of Social Affairs arrived at around 01.00 pm and immediately visited AA (7), a child with hydrocephalus to hand over medical assistance of IDR 73.2 million. In addition, Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) in the form of basic needs, nutritional intake, and health accessibility worth IDR 9 million.


The Minister of Social Affairs also provided ATENSI to 99 Beneficiaries (PM) of the child cluster in the form of nutritional packages and personal hygiene tools expected to help meet their needs. Not far from there, the Minister laid the first stone for the construction of 11 units of Earthquake Resistant Houses in East Aceh. Eight of them were funded by Kompas Humanitarian Fund Foundation and the rest were assisted by the Ministry of Social Affairs. "The bricks are special like we did in Majene", said the Minister of Social Affairs when explaining the advantages of earthquake-resistant houses.


The Minister of Social Affairs conducted a dialogue with the community and conveyed the concept of empowerment so that the Social Welfare Service Recipients need to live more independently.


"I have a hard time walking, so I want to have a kiosk business so I can sell," said Hasnah (42), a wheelchair recipient who was also given groceries and nutrition along with 16 other people outside the child cluster.


This activity was also attended by the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (FORKOPIMDA) of East Aceh Regency. Before leaving the venue, the Minister of Social Affairs advised the people of East Aceh always to pray and make efforts.