BEKASI (November 5, 2019) - The increasing number of elderly people who are not potential in Indonesia has been responded quickly and precisely by the government so that they do not become a burden to families, communities and the state. One of the government's anticipatory efforts is to improve services for the elderly through Long-Term Care (PJP) which has been proclaimed by the Ministry of Social Affairs through the Directorate of Elderly Social Rehabilitation (RSLU).

"Indeed, in us there is a paradigm shift. Social rehabilitation that is guarded by the Ministry of Social Affairs is primarily an advanced social rehabilitation. What is being done in the regions is basic social rehabilitation, "said Director General of Social Rehabilitation of the Ministry of Social Affairs Edi Suharto in his direction at the Phase II Long Term Care Workshop.

"Because we are rehabilitating, we have improving capability, it is already short term. The long term is indeed included in the maintenance (caring stability), to maintain stability, " he said.

According to Edi Suharto, in the future Long Term Care will also be in institutions in the regions. In Law No. 23/2014 on regional government, the central government is no longer allowed to carry out some kind of long term care. Because long term care has become part of local governments / regions.

"As for if we want to care for the elderly who take the center of the Ministry of Social Affairs, that is already a continuation. What is being strengthened is the family, so those who carry out long term care are the elderly families, "said Edi Suharto.

The task of the LKS is to encourage these families to have the capacity to care for the elderly. While the elderly who are cared for in an institution / institution, the budget comes from the region.

"Our approach does not allow the elderly to be treated in institutions. So, if LKS gets funds from the Ministry of Social Affairs, the funds are allocated more for long term care carried out by families (Family Based Long Term Care), not Institutional Based Long Term Care, "he said.

Strengthening the family can be in the form of parenting, and or economy support. There may be business capital assistance for families caring for the elderly.

"This meeting will be an embryo that conducting Long Term Care does not always have to be in in social rehabilitation center for elderly, it can be done by the community," said Edi.

The activity which was held on 5-8 November 2019 was attended by 84 participants consisting of 72 social workers in PSTWD throughout Indonesia and 12 central participants.