ENREKANG (December 1, 2020) - The "Gau Mabaji" Elderly Social Rehabilitation Center (BRSLU) in Gowa advocated the establishment of the Elderly Social Welfare Institution (LKS-LU) or Family Support Center (PUSAKA) with the Enrekang Regency Social Office.
Through the results of data collection and mapping by the Center team, it was found that Enrekang Regency is one of the regencies that do not yet have LKS-LU in South Sulawesi Province. This certainly has an impact on the provision of social services to the elderly.
In an effort to optimize social rehabilitation services for the elderly, the Center as one of the Technical Implementation Units (UPT) of the Indonesian Ministry of Social Affairs in the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation is intensively making efforts to prepare the Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) program.of the Republic of Indonesia is intensively making efforts to prepare the Social Rehabilitation Assistance (ATENSI) program.
ATENSI is a social rehabilitation service that uses a family, community and/or residential based approach through activities to support the fulfillment of decent living needs, social care, family support, physical therapy, psychosocial therapy, mental spiritual therapy, vocational training, entrepreneurship development, social assistance and assistance. social, and accessibility support.
In this activity, the Head of the Gowa “Gau Mabaji” Elderly Center, Wahidin conveyed that the role of the Community and Family would be greater in restoring the social functioning of the elderly. Therefore, the meeting also conveyed the importance of the motivation of each region to form and optimize the role of LKS-LU or PUSAKA.
"The focus of social rehabilitation services for the elderly in the future will focus on the role of the family and LKS-LU. Therefore, it is important for 127 regencies/cities in the work area of the Gowa "Gau Mabaji" Elderly Center to form and optimize LKS-LU or PUSAKA," said Wahidin.
This activity also explained the mechanism for the formation of LKS-LU or PUSAKA, starting from the distribution of LKS-LU, Registration of LKS-LU, Requirements for Establishing LKS-LU, Making Operational Permits, to sources of funding for LKS-LU.
In addition, the discussion also discussed the social problems of the elderly and the difficulty of forming LKS-LU in Enrekang Regency.
The activity, which was attended by 20 participants, involved the Social Service and elderly activists in Enrekang Regency. It is hoped that through this activity, Enrekang Regency is able to form LKS-LU which are able to synergize and provide the best service and fulfill the rights of the elderly.