JAKARTA (4 November 2019) - The implementation of Social Rehabilitation in handling Children Against the Law (ABH) still faces many obstacles and problems. So it is necessary to find a way out, so that the purpose of the enactment of the Child Justice System Law (UU SPPA) as an embodiment of Restorative Justice can run according to common expectations.

The Directorate of Social Rehabilitation for Children of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia initiated the Formulation of Standard Procedures and Criteria (NSPK) for Social Rehabilitation to deal with obstacles in the field in handling ABH. This is also expected to synergize the SPPA Law, the Regional Government Law, the Child Protection Law, the Social Welfare Law and the Social Worker Law as the implementation of what is mandated to the Ministry of Social Affairs and local governments in this case the Social Service.

In addition, Social Welfare Organizing Institutions (LPKS) and Social Protection Houses (RPS) implementing the Social Rehabilitation of Children in Conflict with the Law are also stipulated in the Decree of the Minister of Social RI number 107 / HUK / 2019.

The Director of Children's Social Rehabilitation, Kanya Eka Santi, reviewed several articles in the NSPK in this activity. This is to ensure that there is no overlap between government and regional regulations.

The activity, which will last until November 6, is attended by 30 representative participants from the Legal Bureau, Planning Bureau, Center for Social Work and Social Counseling Professional Development, BRSAMPK "Handayani" Jakarta, Directorate of Child Social Rehabilitation, and OHH Section of the Directorate General of Social Rehabilitation.